
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

New Month Build: May 2016

May the Fourth Be With You!

First, a shout out to all our Star Wars loving family/friends/followers.

Turning the Page

Well, it's not really a page, but rearranging the bricks. (giggles) 
When the latest catalog arrived we saw the Wedding Favor kit and knew we had to have it for May. Thankfully it's one of the cheaper sets.

We started with a green base. All sorts of greens because of all the April showers. Now they are May showers. Yep, still raining.
Then we built the wedding arch and added it to the lawn so we could space the calendar.

The calendar page is all white with light blue for sky and more white for clouds. The blue buttons reflect the color from Franz and Xyra's wedding.
Had to add more flowers, but stayed in the pink and lavender theme. For guests we picked out animals. Check out the hedgers and bunnies and parrots!

Closer look at the hedgers and bunnies. Sooo cute!
A better look at the arch and parrots and wedding couple. 
This is not the groom face from the kit. We didn't like his beard so we decided to use the other head included, but he looked mad, so we took the shark man's face instead. He looks happy but nervous. (giggles)


This is it so far. I think it needs something...

Final, Final?

Okay, so I've added more bunnies - now there are 6 total - and two hamsters. I also switched the bride's hair with Olivia's. She looks better. I'm not 100% sure about the bride's face. She looks conniving instead of happy. Have to check our other mini figures later. It's too bad the doll heads don't fit the mini figure bodies. 

Thank you for checking out our latest build. Hope you enjoyed the tour.

Stop again soon! Have a nice day!


  1. I love this build ! Happy May the Fourth :)

  2. That is so cute, I can see why you guys wanted it!

  3. I love it! I love all the bunnies and hedgies! I also love that the groom looks nervous. LOL!!
    We wish for rain here! We are in the middle of the Alberta prairies and we've been having a crazy heat wave. Wildfires to the north are burning down entire communities. :( So sad.

    ginnie /

    1. Oh, Ginnie! Be safe up there. We're hearing about the wildfires and are praying for everyone. If we could send rain your direction we definitely would. <3
      ~Xyra et al
