
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Going to Work 2016

Take Your D to Work Day

Last Thursday (April 28) was Take Your D to Work Day; I got to tag along with Xyra. 

Starting the Day

First thing we did was turn on the computer.
Then we hung up our jackets.
And put the kettle on.
Started the printers.
Made sure the calendar showed the correct date. I love that it's Harry Potter. (giggles)
Then we were able to have tea and check email. I worked on my homework; an essay on the day's events and purpose.


Lunch was tasty tomato basil soup with bread. Lunching with the elves was fun; they didn't take much. (giggles)
And a moon pie for dessert.
I love the marshmallow, cookie, chocolate combination.

Other Tasks

Some of the other things I helped do included...Sorting, tagging, and filing papers.
Delivering mail and watering the plants.

I always like helping Xyra when I get to go to work with her. She works in a very comfy and homey office. I'm not sure what I want to do yet, when I'm old enough to get a job. Have you thought about what you'd like to do for work? If yes, what do you want to be?

Best wishes,


  1. I am an author by day, and my daughter wants to be a Beluga whale trainer when she grows up. :) I love your photo story!

    1. Wow, a Beluga whale trainer! Authors are cool people!

      Thanks, we had a fun day. :)

    2. Looks like she had fun! I love going to take your daughter to work day! I would love to be an author.

  2. very cute - nice to have a friend at work!

    1. Thank you. Very much so! :)

      We've started collecting the Lego Elves sets this spring...they feature dragons! We have two baby dragons so far. :)

  3. Looks like you had a fun day! Glad to hear the elves didn't eat all the soup.

    1. Thanks! The elves suggested a few additional herbs to boost the flavor. ;-) (giggles)

  4. Looks like a very busy and productive day!
