
Sunday, December 13, 2015

Day 12 Lego Calendar Plus

Plus, Plus, Plus


Wow! This is the half way point! how far along are you with your holiday preparations? Our Jewish friends are deep into Hanukkah. We still have to put up our own tree and write the newsletter. In the meantime, we are building away.
Door 12 is next to Amanda and Liza. Let's see what's on the other side.
Hmm, a bunny in a kind of hutch. I suppose it is a snow bunny. We have an even number of bunnies in our Lego collection now. I hope mamma bunny doesn't mind another little one.

Lots of pieces.

(giggling) The bunny found the carrot already.
All done. The extra bricks are to the side. 

Very cute. I'll put it back into it's little room...with the extras. (pieces clattering between cubicle and outer frame) Oh, no! the extra pieces fell. I guess we'll find them at the very end.

Tea Number 6: Rooibos

Hi! We're on day 12 of Advent and our 6th tea blend.
This one is Rooibos. Some call rooibos red tea because of the finished color of the tea.
Described as, "Sweet, warm and sunny, rooibos tea radiates rich African folklore. the addition of traditional Yogi Tea spices, such as cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and a hint of black pepper brings rooibos's mild earthy aroma to life, while carob and vanilla round out this sweet , friendly tea. The essence of this tea is: 'Rising  from the embrace of mother earth.'"
This has the same pictographs as the chais Lanie reviewed had - so you want to steep for 7 minutes and finish with sugar and milk.
Bag goes into the tea pot.
Set the timer for seven minutes. Now we wait.
(timer beeps)
Look at the gorgeous deep color in this tea!
Smells really good too. Earthy, warm, spicy.
Tasting it plain first.
Not bad. This cold stand nicely alone if you don't have sugar or milk handy. Now as suggested with milk and sugar.
YUM! Smooth, comforting, spicy without being too spicy. The blend contains: rooibos, cinnamon, ginger, carob, roasted chicory, cardamon, cloves, black pepper, cinnamon oil, and vanilla extract. all these great flavors mesh together as a team - no one flavor stands out. Yep, loving this one.
Yogi Tea Rooibos is a hit!

[Xyra's notes: We have not always enjoyed red teas in the past. Many times we try them and pass them along to friends who we know like the rooibos teas. This one was not like those. Very enjoyable, like Haley said.]

Holiday Bazaar and More

Guess who we found at a local bazaar? Laundry Daze Designs. A beautiful traveling shop. Olivia, or Livey, was modeling one of the Williamsburg gowns. 

Hi, Livey!
Hi, Kirsten. Good to meet you. Our Williamsburg sets include a fancy gown, like I am wearing; a plain gown, like the one next to me; and a mob cap for $55. We also have diva and princess gowns, button dresses, holiday dresses, pants, tops, sleeping bag sets, coats, and much more. Take a look around.
Thanks! I will. you look stunning, by the way.
Thank you.
This green one is pretty. It's an Elizabethan gown.
The red and green plaid is pretty. These jumper dresses are nice. The coats look toasty. Sports uniforms too.
These are the other dresses. Oh, that one sleeve poking out looks perfect for the holiday!
Can you guess which one? (Sorry, this is a bit blurry.)

Three aprons in this set. So festive!
This blue gown is beautiful. Matches my eyes. :)

We made our purchase and said our goodbyes to everyone a Laundry Daze Designs. Then headed home. 

On the way we stopped at Lady Kappa's to say Happy Birthday and saw a hot air balloon drifting by - reminded me of Saige's story. We thought it was going to land, but it went back up and floated further away. We think they lowered close enough to show off the ad on the balloon. This is it heading back up. 


Hope you had a great Saturday and are having a lovely weekend,


  1. All kinds of fun going on in this post! I can't wait to see what you bought.

    1. I tried the new dress on yesterday and it looked fabulous! It's a little warm right now so we haven't posed for our Christmas card yet, but I'll be wearing it then. :)
