
Friday, December 11, 2015

Day 11 Lego Calendar

Taking it Up to 11

Looks like my door for the day is easy to find and reach. I hope that doesn't mean another bag of accessories like Haley had yesterday. 
The only way to find out is to look. So here we go.
Hmm, looks like a bin of things. Is that a wand?

Yes, those are definitely wands and tiaras. Very interesting.
Nice little bin. Everything fits inside. Even the extras. 

Well, they might not be extras this time. One for Andrea and one for Liza. Maybe the idea of a concert in a snow park is a bit off if we have fairy or princess items too. Unless Liza is the snow queen. The green thing is an elf hat. What do you think might be going on?

Oh, quick note. Tomorrow is pageant practice at church; the pageant is Sunday. We're going to try and post both days, but we might have to catch up on Monday or Tuesday. Stay tuned.

Stop again soon.  Have an ice day!

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