
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Coolspring 2015 Fall Expo 3

Day Three

It Got Cold

A cold front pushed through late last night and was still moving through and over Coolspring. So while Xyra watched the weather and waited out the rotating sun, overcast, rain, sleet, sun - yes, you read that right sleet...ick - I got to hang out in the truck with Madeline. 
She didn't have any clothes when we found her, so I made and dress and stockings for her. I used my bracelet for a belt and hair ties for garters. Then we played with the magic 8 ball again.
And had ice cream too. Cherry today. YUMMY!
Once the tent was taken down and stowed and some gear taken to the bunk house, we headed down to Sudlow Station and spent the rest of the day there. 

It was pretty warm with the engine and the gas lights running. Sometimes I'd get a chill and step outside and back in to remind myself of the temperature difference.

It was a great day and a fun night.

Would you eat ice cream when it is 40 degrees or less out? What's your favorite flavor?

Best wishes,



  1. Madeline looks a bit like Princess Leia in that dress, is she prepping for the new movie already? Cherry ice cream sounds yummy, it's never too cold for ice cream.
