
Friday, October 23, 2015

Coolspring 2015 Fall Expo 4

Day Four

Quiet Grounds

When you look at the Coolspring Power Museum events schedule you see Saturday is the last day of the expos. Most visitors head home Saturday afternoon.  The volunteers and engineers and staff work Saturday afternoon and evening to prepare the engines for the winter. That group gets even smaller on Sunday.

The museum grounds take on an entirely different look and sound on Sunday. It gets very quiet without the engines running. 

Xyra reorganized the truck while Franz was rechecking engines in the Power Tech Annex and down at Sudlow StationThen he helped Professor M move a few engines and put vehicles away.

While they were busy I checked out the chickens and ducks. 

They're funny. (giggles)

Then I took a hike around the grounds again. 

You know I had to climb on the jeep for a moment.

Then it was time to go.

Home Again

The trip from Coolspring home is between 4 and 5 hours depending on traffic, weather, etc. When we got to the highest point on route 80 east of the Mississippi there was snow on the ground just like there had been in Punxsutawney. Definitely not ready for that stuff. Otherwise the drive was uneventful.

It was nice to unpack the truck and get resettled. We had a lovely welcome too.

[Xyra note: The following photos are a little dark. The flash was too much, but no flash wasn't quite enough. I used Picmonkey to adjust two to be a bit lighter.]

Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Melody, 2 or more

Hey! Hi! Welcome home! How ya doin'?
(laughing) Hi! How is everyone?
Good here.
How are you?
The trip?
Loads of fun!
Is Louisa as cool as she seems?
You bet! She brought us a couple of games. Came in handy a few times Saturday too.
Wooly Willy!
And a magic 8 ball! Cool!
Who's this?
Found Madeline in the flea market. Isn't she awesome?
Yeah, but she needs some better clothes.
Agreed! We'll have to check The Toy Box Philosopher for ideas.
The pups seem to like her. (laughing)
It's good to be home. (sighs)

I like going away, but it's nice to be home too. how do you feel at the end of a trip?

I hope you enjoyed hearing about my trip. I made a list of the places we haven't shown you yet, so Haley has a mission for June.

Best wishes,



  1. I hope Haley gets to go, I'm sure she was disappointed. Better safe than sorry! Hopefully I can make it too, not sure who will be coming with me. It is nice though that the girls have friends on the other side of the state.

    1. Yes, Haley definitely goes in June. Absolutely fun to have friends across the state. We do hope you can make it up again. :)
