
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Garden Update

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Hi, again! Do you know that rhyme? Mary, Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow? With silver bells...

Yesterday, I told you about cleaning the winter debris off our flower gardens. Xyra and I worked on that over the weekend while the weather was nice. It hasn't been quite as nice since then. However, I was able to go check on the gardens. This is what I found.

The hostas by the hose are still on the small side. 
This is an Elvis Lives hosta - Elvis is slow to pop, but then he's HUGE! He should be split this year, but we haven't decided where to put the other half.

The sedum looks nice and the fern shoots are funny. 
Can you see it under my hand? Here's a better look. That spiral green shoot will be ferns.

These hosta also get huge; they spring out more quickly than Elvis does.

Over here is a lovely sedum, hosta, and some veronica. 
The veronica gets tall, blue, brush-like flowers.

It's only been 4 days since these plants were uncovered - see how much they like seeing the sun, being watered by rain, and feeling the fresh air?

Happy gardening!


  1. Well done! The plants are looking great, and you've inspired me to do take a spade and have a look at what is going on in my patch of London clay!
