
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day 2015

Happy Earth Day!

What is an awesome way to celebrate Earth Day? Working in the garden, of course. Taking care of plants that provide oxygen and help to clean the air. That's what I did with Xyra the other day. Yes, we celebrated a little early because today's weather report was not that good. 
[A physical activity, like gardening, is a great way to reduce and relive stress after a long day of test taking.]


These are three of the flower beds we worked. The other two had very little to be done.


We thought we had all our tools, but went to get a few more as the day progressed.
Don't forget you want to dress in clothes you don't mind getting dirty. I put on a tee shirt, overalls, and sturdy shoes. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail to keep it out of the way.

We raked and shoveled and trimmed. The best thing to do with yard waste is to start a compost bin or heap

Don't forget to take water breaks. You need to stay hydrated while gardening.

Speaking of water...if you plant or transplant anything, be sure to water it when you've finished.


Now you can see the day lilies, ferns, hosta, irises, sedum, and tulips better. And they can see the sun better! They aren't much right now, but soon you won't see any dirt.

What did you do to celebrate Earth Day?

Lanie's Outfit

Hair scrunchie: Dollar Tree
Tee shirt: Last year's Camp Doll Diaries (homemade with iron-on from Doll Diaries)
Overalls: Kit's Overalls Outfit (retired)
Boots: OG Mad About Plaid outfit
Gardening tools: The Queen's Treasures (retired)

Have a great day!


  1. Cute idea! I love the doll sized wheelbarrow and shovel, I can't wait for our garden to start growing.

  2. I love gardening, but I plant more food than flowers :) I loved her overalls... too cute! I celebrate earth day by gardening also xD

    1. We have a tomato plant to put in this year and might start some lettuce.

  3. We started some seeds over the weekend, the weather here yesterday was bitter cold. We woke up to a dusting of snow this morning! BLECH!!

    1. Snow! Oh, no! Today if it feels as if it could snow her too. That's why we haven't planted our tomato plant yet. Keeping it warm and safe in the garage.

    2. Apparently, Reading had snow on April 23. That's close enough to say we had snow too. :) :(

  4. I love it ! I was so busy on earth day I didn't even have time to post !
