
Monday, January 19, 2015

Tea Review: Bingley's Mr. Darcy

Bingley's Teas: Jane Austin Series

Kaya, Melody, Both, Xyra

Mr. Darcy

It's time to meet Mr. Darcy.
What? Oh, From Bingley's Teas! Awesome! I have to help with this one.
We're only going to make half a pot. I've added the tea...
Now the hot water.
It says here that Mr. Darcy is a Da Hong Pao Oolong roasted with notes of chestnut, plum, and leather.
Yep. This is a "greatly respected tea."
Oh, my! Well, he certainly can dance. Look at those leaves go.
Did you know that oolong tea blends can be re-steeped several times?
Yes, the flavor changes a bit with each steeping. I wonder what will happen with Mr. Darcy?
It's nice and dark. Smells rich.
Yes, it does. Let's taste it without adding anything first.
Okay. Hmm, interesting. A bit strong.
Yeah. I don't know about this one. The finishing note is, well, I can't quite describe it.
Oh, yeah. It's kind of strange and off putting, but worthy of further investigation.
I'm going to add raw sugar.
This isn't bad. The sugar eases the strength, but it's not quite right.
I'm using raw honey.
This is really good. Try?
Oh, you're right. Honey is the way to go with Mr. Darcy.
Let's give it a shot.

Not a bad mistake, but - in our opinion - milk does not belong in an oolong.
I'm glad we have more without the milk. 


Overall, this is a really good tea. Like Mr. Darcy, the first meeting is a bit strong, but he eases over time until you love him. This review evolved over five days. We used the same leaves each steeping and each day the flavor changed ever so slightly in a good way. We were not fond of it unsweetened, but found a light(not one with a strong flavor), raw honey was best in merging with the blend to bring out a delightful flavor and soften the personality.

Happy Tea Brewing!

Best wishes,

Note: We are not affiliated with Bingley's Teas. We met representatives at the Philly Coffee & Tea Festival where we purchased the Jane Austen Tea Sampler. Our opinions are unsolicited and our own. All links are provided for education and informative purposes; no purchase is required. However, if you are so inclined the links will make this particular tea blend easier to find.

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