
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How Do You Take Your Tea?

Not Your Add Ins...

Take it To Go!

It's National Hot Tea Month! How do you take your go? In many of our earlier reviews you have seen Xyra's travel mugs. Especially the one with the two smiling kitties. One of us will tell you about that another day. Today, I want to tell you about a wonderful tea tumbler that was a gift from Lady Grey. It's made by Thermos Nissan of stainless steel. This is the box; it gives you details on the features.

It has four parts to it: tumbler, infuser, sipper or drink lid, and cover. The great thing is you can steep your loose tea and run out the door with a piping hot cup of tea.
When you put the kettle on, fill the tumbler with hot tap water and affix the infuser with the cover. Let that sit until you water is ready. Actually, I have the sipper and the cover on here.
Dump the tap water, add your loose tea, and fill with kettle water until the leaves are covered.

Put the cover back on and steep as long as needed for that blend.
At the buzzer, turn off your timer, remove the cover and infuser, add your sweetener, affix the sipper and cover and go. I've used honey today.

The hot water step is necessary to prime the insulation on the tumbler. 
When primed your tea stays hot for hours. Yes, seriously, HOURS! With the cover off - approximately 5 hours; with the cover on - all day. 
That being said, be very careful with your first sips. The tea is hot and you could burn your tongue.

Xyra Note: The timing on the primed tumbler is accurate. I regularly take this tumbler to work now. I will brew the tea at 6:30 or 7:30 AM and still have piping hot tea at lunch. The other day I brewed two kinds of tea to take with me on an outing. The first a travel mug that I drank from throughout the morning and afternoon as it turned lukewarm and then cold. The tumbler I left covered until I got home at 6 PM where I sipped still hot, hot tea from the tumbler. LOVE this devise.

We did not search out further information on this tumbler. You can google it if you like. Type "thermos nissan 12-ounce tea tumbler with infuser" into the magic search box and go from there.

How do you usually take a beverage with you? A favorite travel mug or bottle? In the original can, bottle, box, or pouch?

Happy sipping!

Best wishes,

Note: We are not affiliated with Thermos, Thermos Nissan, or any other company shown in this post. All opinions and findings shared in this review are unsolicited and our own. 


  1. Thank you for sharing this! I know just the person who is going to get one of these for her birthday this year, she will love it.
