
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Christmas Market Part 2

Goschenhoppen Historians Christmas Market

The Christmas Floor

This was the super fun floor. There were some girls playing Christmas music on the piano. There was a large train layout. So many people around that.  And LOTS of neat, theme decorated trees. This tree was at the top of the first flight of stairs. I love the reindeer. So pretty - all white and gold.

This is an international tree. It is decorated with flags.

Check out the antique mittens! We love mittens. 

Kaya would love this tee-pee. This was a boys room display with a  bed and toys and everything. At the one end there was even a cowboy tree. Woody would LOVE this...Buzz not so much.

They had a wonderful Nativity scene. I love the fluffy sheep.

This is a laundry tree. The garland is "clothesline" filled with little clothes and sock. The ornaments are large clothes pins. See the drying rack in the rear left of the picture.

And here is a basket of clothes. Too cute! Makes me think of N from Paper Doll World. I wonder what she's been up to lately?

These are red-ware ornaments. Red-ware pottery is popular in this area due to the color of the soil and the high concentration of clay found in it. I think we need to get some of these to give as gifts.

I love the hand-carved, wooden birds. Aren't they cute? We have a lovely yellow one at home.

What a festive looking kitty! And a beautiful basket too.

The Gardener's Tree

Nana Kestral and her friend put this one together. It has fruits, vegetables, birds, insects, critters, seed packets, flower pots, and so very much more. So imaginiative. You can't see it here, but the "star" is a wide brimmed hat. If you scroll up to the mittens picture you can see it in the background.

A couple of close ups.

The Garden of cute! Love the flower pot man and the garden gnome.

When we finished up at Christmas Market we traveled to Collegeville to meet Nonna and Amy from Mommy's Doll Club. Had some great snacks and hot chocolate! Thank you, Rhonda and Willow! If it weren't for Willow's trip to PA we'd never have known another blogger was so close.

Doesn't Christmas Market look great? If you could design your own theme decorated tree, what theme would you pick?

Best wishes,



  1. Wish I'd made it up in time for the market too but the cocoa was great!

    1. The cocoa was great and so was the company. :) Mark your calendar for next year. Always the weekend after cyber Monday.

  2. Cool that you got to meet Nonna! I'm on the other side of the state near Pittsburgh, so here's another PA blogger.

    1. Yay! Love PA bloggers.
      We go west to St. Mary's and Coolspring/Brookville twice a year.

    2. We'll have to try and arrange something some time, Brookville is only about an hour and 15 minutes away. We were just that direction in November, we went to Clearfield to go to Denny's Beer Barrel Pub.

    3. That would be fun. :)
      And thank you for the restaurant tip for Clearfield; we tend to eat at the Dutch Pantry when there. Walking distance from hotel.
