
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas Market Part 1

Goschenhoppen Historians Christmas Market

Last Saturday Xyra and I went to visit Nana Kestrel and others at the Goschenhoppen Historians Christmas Market. 
It's a really great thing to do this time of year. We took around 50 pictures, so we'll split the event into two posts.

Christmas Markets are popular in Germany and a few other European countries/cities. It makes sense that the tradition would be followed in some areas of the USA. The markets focus on local crafts rather than mass marketed merchandise.

That's what the Goschenhoppen have done. They get the artisans and craftspeople from the folk festival to provide products to help raise money to keep the museum and organization running.

General Store

First we went into the General Store. 
This part of the museum is set up just as a shop would have been back in the 1800s. For those of you who are familiar with Little House on the Prairie or The Waltons, this should look familiar to you.

On this side you find grocery items and stationery.
The Post Office.

Sewing notions.
Yummy oranges! More on these a bit later.
The apothecary or drug store.
The office. Don't you just love that typewriter?
Outside a man was roasting chestnuts. They smell really good.


The museum is on the top floor. You have to climb two flights of stairs to get there.

Here the historians have areas set up to show different occupations or home life. The weaver.
Spinning, soap, baskets, all the things you might send to market.
This is one kitchen. They are making noodles for bot boi or pot pie. There is an AP cake and dried apples or schnitz too.
The sewing room. Check out this sewing machine! Can you imagine making all those fine gowns they wore with a little machine like this or even no machine at all!
Look a dresser that is perfect for me. So pretty. Do you like antique furniture or modern styles?
I love the horse!
This is a more modern kitchen. There are Christmas platters on the table.
These are typical Christmas presents for this area during the 1700s and 1800s. The orange is a delicacy because it had to come hundreds of miles and could spoil en route. The barley or glass candy was special, but of the candy the candy cane was most extravagant.
This is a tiny pipe organ. One manual and not even a full one.
The hymn is in German.

Bake Sale

In the basement were the goodies. Lunch items, canned goods, and a bake sale. Here are some of the canned goods..chow chow, pickles, sauerkraut.
On the shelf are the jams, jellies, and marmalades. I didn't ask if the mincemeat had the meat or not.
Check out this Grundsau or ground hog. His name isn't Phil; it's Georg.

Those are sand tarts in the tray next to him. They are cut groundhog shape.

More tomorrow. What was your favorite part so far?

Best wishes,


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