
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Giveaway Alert: Doll Diaries Queen's Treasures

Perfect Stocking Stuffer

Or to get someone a great gift!

Doll Diaries has teamed up with The Queen's Treasures to offer one lucky reader a $75 Gift Card. 
So many great things at The Queen's Treasures to choose from. We'd love to add one or the wardrobe/bedrooms to our collection. What would you get?

Check out all the details at Doll Diaries.

Don't forget to check out The Queen's Treasures to make a wishlist.

Best wishes to all who enter!


More Sadness

Another Loss in Our Fur Family

We are very heavyhearted again this year. Our darling Tabitha went to Rainbow Bridge the day after Thanksgiving...providing "black Friday" with another meaning. You may have seen her in our Camp Doll Diaries 2013 posts as one of the camp's wild cats.
She was anything but wild. The peacekeeper in the family always charging into the area of a tiff. We could here her distinctive footsteps as she'd trot down the hallway with a "Brrip" greeting and loud purr. Her fur as soft as a rabbit's, her forehead carrying the telltale mark of Mary the mother of Jesus, and her head and neck painted by the fingers of God where he petted her before sending her to Earth.
She is now with her husband, Seven. Frolicking and free of suffering.

Best wishes to all.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Melody, Xyra, all

From everyone at Tea Time with Melody Q to all of you...
We are so very thankful for every one of our followers & members, AG Lovers circle members, those who stop by, those who comment, and those who chat or email. :) 
Your support means the world to us.

Thanksgiving Routine

We start the day with Pillsbury cinnamon rolls for breakfast.
Breakfast while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was great way to start my first Thanksgiving with you.
Then the National Dog Show. 
[Note: The dog show was taped the weekend after the Philly Coffee and Tea festival at the same expo center in Oaks, PA.]
Xyra bakes a pumpkin pie to take to Nana Kestrel's for dinner.
Then maybe some football and chores before heading over to Nana's for dinner.
Yes, we do still finish off some chores on the holiday.
After dinner we come home and hang out watching TV or reading or thinking about posts.

What do you do on Thanksgiving?

We hope you have a lovely day filled with blessings.

Best wishes to all!


Monday, November 24, 2014

Hair Dressing

Time in the Stylist's Chair

If you look back at my pictures in previous posts you'd see how frizzy my hair was getting. I remember quoting Hermione in one post. (giggling) Anyway, the other day I finally spent some time in the stylist's chair and love my smoother look!


This wasn't as hard as I thought it would be nor did it take that long. Remember the following things:

  • Use the sparkly pick not a brush.
  • Gently separate each curl.
  • Spritz lightly with water.
  • Start combing from the bottom and work your way to the top.
  • Twist each lock lengthwise (like when you twirl your own hair while thinking) then roll the twist around itself so it makes curly q close to the scalp.
  • When dry, gently undo each curly q and let the hair untwist naturally.

Happy styling!

Best wishes,

Doll Finds: Dollar Tree

Three Great Finds

The other day we stopped to shop at Dollar Tree and just started browsing. I forget our actual goal. 

Give Me Light

The first great find is a clip lamp. Perfect for your bedroom or desk. This one was pink, but I think there were other colors.
[Xyra note: This light does work with 3 watch batteries; however, the on/off switch does not stay in the on position.]

To Infinity...

No, not Buzz Lightyear...we found a really pretty infinity scarf. There were three colors: yellow with red, green, and red/pink. I liked the green best.
[Xyra Note: This is really a headband.]

Recycle, Please

Every home should have a recycling bin. This will be perfect for cans, bottles, plastic, etc.
[Xyra Note: These were on a bottom shelf by the checkout. There were several styles I may go back for the green trash bin. They are supposed to be pencil cups.]

Additional Find

If you are looking for fleece to make bedding or other things for your doll - the baby section has fleece blankets in blue and pink. They sometimes have green and yellow too. Once washed, they also make great backdrops for portraits.

Which find is your favorite?

Happy shopping!

Best wishes,

Friday, November 21, 2014

Local Produce Stand

Tired of Early Winter

Melody, Kirsten

Bring Back Fall

Back in October, Kirsten and I had the chance to stop at an organic produce stand not too far from home.
It's always good to frequent the local produce stands to support local farmers and get fresh foods from your own area.
This one grows many varieties and sells from mid summer through the fall. Today he had peppers, tomatoes...
Carrots, potatoes...
Beets, gourds, and butternut squash.
We bought tomatoes and potatoes.
I really wanted some beets, maybe another time.

What is your favorite vegetable or fruit? Do you have your own garden?

Best wishes,

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Giveaway Alert: Fun with AG Fan

Do Your Dolls Love to Party?

If your dolls like to throw parties, dinner, or teas, then you will love this giveaway! Fun with AG Fan has teamed up with The Shop on Leighton Avenue to help you set your holiday/party table. What table is complete without a three-tiered server and cake stand? These are great! (Treats NOT included.)
So head on over to Fun with AG Fan to get all the details and to enter. 
Don't forget to check out all the goodies The Shop on Leighton Avenue offers (we love our lap desk).

Best wishes to all who enter!