
Friday, November 21, 2014

Local Produce Stand

Tired of Early Winter

Melody, Kirsten

Bring Back Fall

Back in October, Kirsten and I had the chance to stop at an organic produce stand not too far from home.
It's always good to frequent the local produce stands to support local farmers and get fresh foods from your own area.
This one grows many varieties and sells from mid summer through the fall. Today he had peppers, tomatoes...
Carrots, potatoes...
Beets, gourds, and butternut squash.
We bought tomatoes and potatoes.
I really wanted some beets, maybe another time.

What is your favorite vegetable or fruit? Do you have your own garden?

Best wishes,


  1. I had a garden in the summer, I love gardening and fresh food!! I love pickled beets, have you ever had them? I miss the fall time and the farmers markets, now we have snow on the ground and store bought vegetables that have pesticides on them. I won't say I have a favorite fruit because I'm allergic to all fruits except for citrus fruits and grapes :( But I do love berries!

    1. I sorry to hear about your allergy. It sounds like you have a few options available. I've recently started trying pickled beets, but prefer Harvard style.

  2. Cute pictures! I love pineapple!:D
