
Saturday, November 29, 2014

More Sadness

Another Loss in Our Fur Family

We are very heavyhearted again this year. Our darling Tabitha went to Rainbow Bridge the day after Thanksgiving...providing "black Friday" with another meaning. You may have seen her in our Camp Doll Diaries 2013 posts as one of the camp's wild cats.
She was anything but wild. The peacekeeper in the family always charging into the area of a tiff. We could here her distinctive footsteps as she'd trot down the hallway with a "Brrip" greeting and loud purr. Her fur as soft as a rabbit's, her forehead carrying the telltale mark of Mary the mother of Jesus, and her head and neck painted by the fingers of God where he petted her before sending her to Earth.
She is now with her husband, Seven. Frolicking and free of suffering.

Best wishes to all.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss!:(

  2. I am so sorry for your loss :( it must be terrible to lose your cat, I don't know what I would do if my kitty, Sapphire died. Tabitha looks like she was a wonderful cat to own. Rest in peace, Tabitha.


    1. Thank you. Tabitha was very special.
      Give Sapphire a hug from us.

  3. I'm so sorry. :( She's adorable.


  4. I'm so sorry, it's really sad when a special pet dies :(

  5. :( I'm really sorry. I know how it feels. :(

    ~ Mint

  6. Melody, I am so sorry to hear about your dear cat! Animals are something wonderful that God created to keep us company. I pray you'll be comforted!

    1. Thank you, Linda. We are embracing the hope of Advent. Our hearts may be heavier, but we are very thankful for the time we had with her.
