
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Woo Hoo!

Cover Girl Melody

The latest issue of Doll Mag is out and it's really cool!

We got the news a little while ago and were so very thrilled to have Melody chosen. 

Bella and Lulu do a fabulous job every month and support the magazine with additional posts. One of the best things is that the full issues are available as pdf files so you can download them to your nook, kindle, tablet, computer, and any other device that supports pdf files.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Bella and Lulu!
Best wishes from everyone at Tea Time With Melody Q
(More later.)


  1. YAY! Congrats Melody! You make a really pretty cover girl! Did you see I was one of the runners-up? Yay us!

    1. DY-NO-MITE! Yes, yay us! :-) I'm on the old lap top tonight, so I haven't gotten past page 2, but will download it to my nook soon!

  2. That's awesome! Melody looks ADORABLE!

  3. Congrats! I saw that on the cover when I read the issue a couple days ago! Great photo!

    1. Thank you! I've been away from the Internet too long. :)

  4. Congrats!!! Love the picture!!

    1. Thank you. The rest of the issue is really good too. I think you'd like the vintage dress section.

  5. Awesome! Melody looks so pretty, and cute in that outfit! Nice post love it.... :D
    Grace xxx ♥ :)

    1. Thank you. If you get a chance to check out the rest of the issue, there is a great snack section and a pet section.

  6. Replies
    1. On the Doll Mag site
      Click the Current Issue tab
      Scroll down under cover and click the pdf file link
      The file is big so it takes some time to open. Once open click the downward facing arrow in the upper right hand corner or click File and Save As.
      If the single file does not open for you, Bella and Lulu have also split the file and links for those pdf files are a little farther down on the issue page.
      You do need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
