
Friday, February 28, 2014

Giveaway Alert: Fun with AG Fan

Super Cute Sparkly Shoes from Lorelie Creations

We're working on a few posts for the weekend and next week. In the meantime, keep your eye out for a few great giveaways! Amaya has a great one going on her blog right now. It's sponsored by Etsy seller Lorelie Creations.

I won't borrow any photos for this one, but you definitely want to check out these super cute shoes, the giveaway, and Etsy site. Head over to Fun with AG Fan for the details, and do some window or real shopping at Lorelie Creations.

Our favorite items from Lorelie Creations

Five Piece Purple Outfit
Three Piece Acid Wash Jeans Outfit
Three Piece "Duck Dynasty" Style Camo Outfit
Denim Mini Skirt

Good luck to all who enter!


  1. Hi Melody,

    Congratulations on winning the Doll Mag contest! That's super groovy! Did you know that I'm one of the runners-up? That's pretty outta-site too!

    1. :-D Thank you!
      That is awesome news! Truly outta-site! :-D
