
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Two Leaves Tea

More Than Two Leaves

Today we wanted to show you another tea. Back in August when Melody and I met up with Lady Maree and Ami we went stopped at Saxby's and I purchased a few Two Leaves Tea Company bags to try later. In Back to Tea Time 1 we reviewed the Tropical Green Tea.

Then in Back To Tea Time 2 we reviewed the Earl Grey.

Today we are looking at the Assam Breakfast

Kaya's Breakfast

Can we try a new tea today?
Of course. Which one?
I've been thinking about the Two Leaves bags we have.
Okay. Take your pick.
Let's try the Assam.
Oh, I like Assam. Very tasty. I'll put the kettle on.
Is the water ready?
A watched pot doesn't boil, you know. Be a bit more patient.
I'm ready when you are.
Did you prep the cup?
Yes, sugar and milk are already in and I have the bag.
Hear comes the water. Let's set the timer.
That's an awesome color. Great aroma too!
Tastes great too! Thank you for the hot tea.
You're welcome!

Tea Notes

Assam is a region in India that grows tea. The conditions there create a wonderfully bold flavor. Assam tea is great on its own, but is also used as the base for many of the breakfast blends because of its pungent, malty, robust, full flavor.

Other Notes

Lanie's photo shoot took place today, but the photos are still "being processed." Come back tomorrow for her feature and outfit review. In the meantime, enjoy a nice cuppa while you catch up on your blog reading (and homework).

Best wishes! Have a great day!


Note: I am/we are not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned. All links are provided so you can get more information. No purchase is necessary.

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