
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Fun Day


So while Xyra did laundry and vacuumed today we got to watch Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on ABC Family channel.
We had popcorn and soda.
If you've seen the movie, what is your favorite part?
I like the sorting best.
The invisibility cloak.
All of it! Especially the extended version that they show on ABC Family.


Time to try our last Octavia Tea. 
Why were we waiting?
I thought it'd be more fun to try during a full moon.
(all giggle)
That kind of makes sense.
I've got the Moonlight White here. (The name has changed since we got our sample.)
Very good.
The blend looks neat. Smells good too.

Let's put a teaspoon in our little pot.
Now we'll let it steep (Did you know you can spell steep two ways? Steep and steap. Steap is the Old English form of the verb. I found a new tea place while googling the term and it's in Philadelphia. Pretty cool.)
Look at those leaves dance! Looks like they are really having fun.

I'm going back to the movie.
This should really be a good cuppa!
I'm going to go see the leaves dance.

And just in time to pour!
Nice light color and taste. No sweetener or milk added.

New Outfit

After the movie Xyra surprised us with a new outfit! She and Franz were at Michaels last night and they found this great Springfield Collection outfit and shoes too!
 Look new jeans!
And a long-sleeved tee shirt.
And leopard flats!
So cute. Plus there are codes for an online closet. (We may check this out later.)
Who gets to try it on first?
You do, Mel!
All righty. Here I go.
So, how do I look?

Very cute.
Love those shoes.
My turn!
Now me!
Saving the best for last.
You wish!

Who do you think wears it best?
(The doll with the most votes gets to wear it for the next photo shoot/story.)

Have a great day!



  1. I love Melody's hair in the movies part. It looks so nice! I love Harry Potter! Sometimes it freaks me out, though, Lol. I think Lanie wore the outfit best!

    1. Thank you. I have it pulled back with two clips.
      Yes, especially in the later movies...they get darker.
      1 vote for Lanie. Got it. :)

  2. It's hard to say, they all look good!!

    I love the shoes!!!

  3. the outfit goes well with Lanie's hair and eyes :)


    1. I liked Kirsten in the outfit best and I too love the shoes! Maybe Kirsten and Lanie wore the outfit best. the shoes should go well with many of the big cat outfits.

    2. Thank you. :)
      I see lots of possibilities with those shoes and the outfit in general.

  4. I LOVE Harry Potter!
    CUTE shoes!!
    I'd say Melody!

    1. I was thrilled to see Sorcerer's Stone was on yesterday. I'm thinking a Harry Potter weekend is in the works because they advertised the network TV premier of Deathly Hallows 2 in their 25 days of Christmas.
      Yay! One vote for me. :)

  5. I vote for Lanie! But they all look cute in it!

    1. Looks like Lanie gets to wear it in the next photo story. :)
      Hmmm, I think I know the perfect accessories too.

  6. This is hard, but I think either Melody or Lanie!

    1. I think the softer light makes them look better in this outfit. It seems the camera flash was brighter on Kirsten and Kaya.
      Thank you for voting. :)
