
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Oh, No! More Invaders

Camp Doll Diaries Day 4 - Nighttime Adventures

Last night was just soooo much fun!

We decorated the cabin then headed off to the dining hall for dinner. Yummy! Spaghetti with tomato sauce, salad bar, garlic bread, & strawberry jell-o. We drink a lot of milk at home, but even more so here...the iced tea is TERRIBLE! I think it is from a powder mix. Definitely not fresh brewed. What is your favorite drink at camp? Iced tea, lemonade, water, milk, orange drink/bug juice?

Roz told us to grab our sit upons and head to the campfire. 

Guess what?! We made toasted marshmallows!
Gus and Roz and some of the other counselors told stories and taught us a few new camp songs. What's your favorite camp song? I don't think I have one yet, but the call and response ones are a lot of fun.

Then we caught some lightening bugs (or do you call them fireflies). [Note: These pictures were darker than I thought, so I lightened them a bit.]

We stowed our lightening bugs in the cabin and grabbed our gear to get ready for bed. Back to the cabin...ANOTHER invader and this wildcat was HUGE! Good looking, but huge. The color and markings reminded us of the toasted marshmallows we just made. Do you like your toasted marshmallows golden or brown or flame charred?
I think he was having fun watching the lightening bugs flash in our jar. Can you see it behind the wildcat? Doesn't the cabin look great with our art hanging up? 

Well, we waited him out and could finally get into the cabin. Hanging out was the first order of business. Then we were surprised by another invader! 
They have HUGE bunnies here too! Kaya spotted it first and signaled us all to be still and quiet. Thankfully it only sniffed around before hopping away and didn't attack with sharp, pointy teeth.

We were too excited to sleep for quite sometime.

Wonder what will happen tomorrow?

Have a great day!
Best wishes,
The Bison Girls

It's not too late to join the fun. Check out the latest activity at Doll Diaries, start from the beginningmake some posters, or catch fireflies. #CampDollDiaries
[Note: the big bird poster is a page from the AG Design by Me booklet that came with my AG Magazine subscription.]

The campfire featured in this post is part of the Seaside Accessories set that was sold to compliment the Seaside Cabana from 2005 - 2006.

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