
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Camp Day 4 - Marker Art+

First Order of Business...A Giveaway is On at Doll Diaries

Doll Diaries DreamWorld Collections Cowgirl Outfit Giveaway is on!
Click the link above for the details and rules.

Briefly after breakfast we were given a few minutes of Internet time...we checked out the site and agreed that we all LOVE the Siege Jacket Outfit.  
So we added our first comment and will go back after posting to make the second comment telling them where we posted and how we told our friends about the giveaway.

Now On To Other Fun Stuff: Markers!

Today was not so great weather wise. The sky was overcast and kept rumbling so the counselors cancelled all swimming activities and some of the hiking. Keeping us close to the cabins in case of a downpour. It did rain for a bit too.

Where did we go? Art - which is a separate cabin from Crafts. You would think they'd be together, but the Art cabin is filled with paper, canvases, coloring pages, paints, markers, crayons, etc. The craft cabin has all sorts of bits and bobs and fabrics and sticks, etc. The list could go on.

Anyway, we grabbed paper and markers and got to work on lots of pictures. 

Kaya did a really big bird poster - it's really cool!

Kirsten, Lanie, and I stayed with the smaller pictures. We finished 8 while Kaya worked on hers. 

We're going to hang all of them in the cabin!

Book Review!

You might ask "When did you have time to read?" But it was one of the evening activities. I chose to read Aunt Ruth's Quilt by M.A. Bronson.
It's really short. It's about a girl whose aunt is a conductor on the Underground Railroad.

Actually, the girl is telling the story from her point of view and it sounds a lot like one of us telling a story about an exciting day we had. Although, this wasn't so exciting as much as scary. I would have liked to have more detail and, well, a bit more emotion. If I saw one of my relatives shot I'd be flipping out - not calm at all and definitely not laughing a few minutes after.

This actually seemed like it was a first draft; and even I caught a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes.

More tomorrow!
Have a great day!
Best wishes from The Bison Girls

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