
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Camp Road Trip:Botanical Gardens II

More of the Botanical Gardens

Welcome Back! Today, Kaya, will finish off telling about our trip to the Botanical Gardens. Take it away, Kaya!

Hiking Wooded Trails

This outing was so much fun! We got to see a lot of native flora some in pots, some in arranged gardens, and some along wooded trails. The trail by the creek wound around and became shaded as it entered the trees. There were maple, oak, walnut, cherry and more. We saw one with a strange thing hanging from one of the lower limbs. We got closer and saw a warning sign about coyote urine being used to protect the young tree from being eaten. Had a good laugh about that...figured a lot of visitors would, "Eeeewwwww!" and run away. We didn't care so made sense a predator's mark would arose wariness in leaf eating prey.

Tucked away among the trees we found a great cottage. Here we are checking it out. Standing on the flagstone path, porch, and steps.

The dark brown wood walls and door blend well with the surroundings. The white connectors in the doormat stand out a bit. Melody wanted to knock on the door, but I kept her from it. [Sorry this one is a bit blurry, Kirsten slipped while taking it.]

To the left of the door was a small trellis. Nothing was growing on it, so we started brainstorming ideas of plants that would like one.

Around the other side of the cottage we found a glen with a raised garden.
It might look all green, but flashes of purple, silver, and blue caught our eye.

The purple hosta blossoms reminded us of home (hope Xyra doesn't miss us too much).

One of my favorites is this little hydrangea. Creamy white and blue petals...just so pretty. [We're taking the camera away from Kirsten...]

One more lovely glade for resting on a hot day.

We knew we were getting back to the entrance when we reached this paved area with potted plants. The colors just blended so nicely.

We saw this statue on the way out and agreed.

That's it for our road trip to the botanical gardens. Lanie and I will report back with a list of the plants we saw on our trip.

Have a nice day! Stay cool and safe!
Best wishes,

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