
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Camp Road Trip: Botanical Gardens I

"Green is Good." ~ Mr. Molina, biology teacher in Twilight (the movie)

Not to a Green House/Composting Center...

Our road trip didn't take us to a green house, but to a botanical gardens! Lanie was lovin' life that day! I have to admit it was really quite interesting even though I really don't get as excited as Lanie does (and Kaya for that matter). So I am handing the writing of today's and tomorrow's posts to them. Take it away, Lanie!

Yay! Plants everywhere and with such colors I know the butterflies must come here. Maybe humming birds too, but I didn't see any humming bird feeders.

Okay, so the landscaping is really great...quite natural. While in some places there was a paved path, many times we were following stones or dirt paths. Here we are the welcome area. (I didn't have time to look up all the flowers' names - forgive me.) A lovely grouping of the tall and the small. Check out all the wavy ferns, the tiny conifer (evergreen) tree, lily, and the pink flower.

Our favorite flower in the welcome area...the itty bitty, teeny tiny one at Kaya's feet. Isn't it cute?!

There is clover at her feet too, but none with 4 leaves.

Not far from the welcome area Kirsten and I found these cute little fenced in pots. The picket boxes make a nice display for the pretty red plants.

Then we followed the path by the Brown-Eyed Susans, Birds of Paradise (I think), and more of the tall pink flowers.

On the way we spotted a gnome home. Not a gnome in sight. We were hoping that they hadn't been tossed over the hedge. (Or maybe Smurfs?)

Then we came upon this tiny bird house.

The house is way too small for this bird.

Another area held a great container garden. These are great because you can have containers of various sizes that fit your space. This is large space so the container were big, but you can arrange smaller ones on a porch or balcony.

Behind us is a creek. We stayed out of the water. It would have been nice to dip our toes in to cool off, but we still had pretty far to hike and wet feet in shoes...not a lot of fun.

That's it for today. Hope you enjoyed the first half of our botanical gardens road trip. 

Have a great day!

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