
The Human

Xyra Silverleaf

Yep, that's me. I'm the human. 

I am an adult doll collector and bloggist. I never outgrew my dolls and have been collecting my entire life. The bigger collection in the house is stuffed animals. I love animals and so many times a plush will scream at me from the shelf or bin to be taken home. Webkinz became a favorite - I have a lot of those.

I am married and my husband (Franz) bought me my first American Girl doll, Melody. He has also helped add clothes and accessories to my doll collection.

If you read the "About Me" on the sidebar of the blog that pretty much describes me. Melody's personality, likes and dislikes, mirror my own.

I love:

  • Music of all sorts, though there are exceptions when it comes to some genres. I sing alto in two choirs and love it.
  • Reading and always have at least one book going. Favorite genres include: classics, young adult, mystery, paranormal, general fiction, mythology, Arthurian legend, fantasy, science fiction, and cook books.
  • Baking and cooking. Love trying new recipes.
  • TV. I had to bow out of a contest on TV show theme songs because I was raising my hand to answer every one. Right now favorites include: Downton Abbey, Duck Dynasty, Castle, Elementary, NCIS, Suburgatory, Sleepy Hollow, Hawaii Five-O, Pawn Stars, Bones, Big Bang Theory, The Crazy Ones, Modern Family, The Goldbergs, Agents of Shield...
  • Movies. Who doesn't love a good movie now and then? My favorites (there are a ton) include: Auntie Mame, Gidget, Gigi, the Harry Potters, the Twilights, Animal House, A League of Their Own, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Clue, the James Bonds, the Star Treks, Despicable Me & Me 2, almost anything Disney (new and old; live and animated), The Trouble with Angels, Practical Magic, Bridget Jones diary, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Pretty In Pink, Dirty Dancing, Top Gun, The Incredibles, Cars, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Mean Girls, Easy A, Beautiful Creatures, X-Men, the list goes on and on and on...
  • Playing lacrosse. It's a fabulous game whose origins spring from Native American history. It has been highly regulated since I played which is a shame. I prefer women's lacrosse to men's - there is greater finesse in the technique.
  • Shopping and window shopping.
  • Animals. My husband and I joke that if someone were to send us live lobsters we would go hungry and have pet lobsters.

I think that is it about me. If there is something I missed, please feel free to ask a question in the comment section.

Best wishes and thank you for stopping by.


  1. Anyone who has LOTR on their list of movies is a friend of mine :) Do you plan to add the Hobbit movies to the list?

    1. Oh, I do love the first movie in the Hobbit trilogy. I've seen it a couple of times. Fili and Kili are my favorite dwarves. I haven't seen the second one yet. :(

  2. I like Fili and Kili too! Have you seen the 2nd one yet?

    1. Still haven't seen the second one. Will either see on HBO or maybe Redbox it.

    2. You should see the others if you get a chance. They're so epic! Kili and Fili are my favorite Dwarves, too.


    3. I did get to see Smaug a couple of months ago. Now waiting for three to come to The Grand - our local theater. It's "coming soon."

  3. Melody, you posted a lovely comment on Living A Doll's Life about my thrifty find, Josefina. Just wanted to thank you. I am thrilled to have her. Fawn

  4. Oh, okay. :) I get it now, I thought Melody was the human. XD Sorry!

    Soph <3

    1. Yes, it can be a little confusing. When I set up the gmail account and blog I didn't really think it all through. I should start using a signature on my comments. :)

    2. I thought Melody was the human 2! LOL! So "the human's" name is Xyra?

      -Guinea Pig Lover from

    3. :-D Yes, that is correct.
      When I first started I thought it would be best to set up the gmail and google+ as Melody, but it does get slightly confusing. As she is MiniMe, it seems to work.

  5. Stuffed animal are the best, aren't they? :) About as good as dolls! :)


    P.S. Could you put a "follow by email" button on your blog? I don't have gmail. Thanks! :)

    1. Yes, I agree that stuffed animals are wonderful.

      You'll find the "follow by email" option at the bottom of the page under the "total pageviews" count.

  6. xyra, did the dolls watch be my valentine, charlie brown in the v-day post? Sarah B. creator of my Lori doll blog

    1. Yep. That's why they wanted to send cards to Charlie Brown. Felt bad for him. We'd also fill his Trick or Treat bag with goodies too. :)

  7. I thought you were like 15! hehehe *chokes* sorry;P

  8. Yessss for Despicable Me! And if you ever get live lobsters, I'd love to meet them. :)

  9. I love lacrosse. I also love TV, music, movies and reading. Oh my gosh, you watch NCIS, too?! My favorite character is Abby, definitely.

    1. Abby is the best! I was very sad to see her character go.

  10. I think the reason Abby is so great is because there was no other character like her. She was really unique.

  11. Totally! I love her character. 😁
