
Sunday, December 1, 2024

Advent One Plus

Advent 1 - December 1

Xyra's Note

Where did October and November go??  Actually, once we go to the October Coolspring Expo, it's Halloween.  But Halloween seems like yesterday and here we are at December 1.  Wow!  November flew by even with Thanksgiving late in the month.  So here we go with 24 days to Christmas and 30 days left in 2024.  Advent is a time of hope - we hope to post almost every day this month to catch up and head into the new year.

Advent 1: Quilt Meditation - Begin

Our church Advent series has a quilt focus and we were asked to bring special quilts to share.  I took the lovely quilts Lady Grey made for us.  Xyra took the one Lady Dartia made for her and Franz.

Looking Back - July:  Flowers, Porch Sitting, and a Visit to Chibi Cafe Co.

It was cold and windy today, a high of 37F - BRRRR!  Loved looking at these photos and remembering how nice and warm it was in July this year. 

These were such lovely flowers. 

Bev enjoyed the porches.

Lanie had her first visit to Chibi Cafe Co.

Star got a new bathing suit!

Hoping your Advent is filled with love and fun preparations for the holidays to come.

Thank you for being with us!  Come again soon!


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