Still February
Belated Happy Lunar New Year!
As you can imagine, we're always up for a tea party. Especially with Nonna and her crew! Nonna invited us to her house to celebrate Lunar New Year. We moved from the year of the rabbit to the year of the dragon.
It was my turn to look after the dragon egg Tina brought back from Nevada, so i carefully packed it and took it with us to the tea party.
While showing it to Chrissy and Karen I felt something strange.
Then she popped out!
Isn't she adorable?! And her name...Iolanthe. That's pronounced I-oh-lan-thee or I-oh-lan-tee. It means "violet flower" in Greek. It's also the name of the main character of a Gilbert & Sullivan operetta; the character is a fairy who marries a mortal, etc. etc. A good story; hope you check it out.
The violet flower definitely fits!!
To quote Hagrid. "Fascinating but misunderstood beasts, Harry. Fascinating but misunderstood."
Xyra's Note
We adopted our dragon egg from OrbWeaver3D LLC. Check out their website and/or Facebook page to see if there are any adoptions available. If you do choose to adopt, please let them know you heard about them from Tea Time with Melody Q.
Have a great day!

Love it!
ReplyDeleteThank you for having us, Nonna! Perfect timing for the hatching!