How is it January 27 Already?!
Hi, All!
How are you doing? Happy New Year! Wasn't January 1, just yesterday? Well, I suppose not since it's January 27 and so much has happened. I'm here with Star to give you an update. We're in our January jammies, Star has her blanket, and somewhere around here is a book. LOL
First, we welcomed in the new year, just hanging out watching TV at home. We called Gramma Enne at midnight our time.
Next, on January 8 we celebrated Elvis Presley's birthday and our 11th blogiversary. 11! Not a big celebration this year since we are so behind on posts from 2023. Yes, behind. Tina still needs to post her fun factoids. Kirsten needs to report on her trip to Coolspring. Photo shoots from Christmas, etc.
Xyra and I celebrated birthdays on January 14. We went to Chibi Cafe Co for boba tea and cho bites!
And then one of us is planning a trip to Nevada to see Gramma Enne and Opa Hans. Any guesses who will make the trip? Whoever is going will be sure to eat bananas.
We also want to talk to you about a brand of EArl Grey tea that just isn't good. We found it at HomeGoods. As black tea goes it's okay, but lacks the tangy bergamot we love. And it gets bitter quickly. So if you love traditional Earl Grey , stay away from this brand. If you're not really fan of Earl Grey, you may like this.
We hope to be posting a bit more this year than last so stop in when you can. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook, we post teaser photos now and then.
Have a great day and weekend!

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