Looking Your Best
A new dress is always special. This dress is extra special. It was handmade by a friend from church. She made it many years ago and she offered it to us. The dress is French lace; the soft and lovely not picky. There is also a chemise and pantaloons and a sash. I pulled out our white T-strap shoes and hat. Then for a pop of color I added a turquoise bracelet and necklace.
Star's dress came from a yard sale at Great Great Aunt Betty's.
The Easter Schedule
Sunday morning we gathered all of the things we needed for church and headed out. During the 9 o'clock education hour one of the projects was to put together personal care kits. 50 kits were completed.
Another project was to assemble the daffodil carnation cross. It turned out beautifully. The daffodils are from the church's garden.
Then over to church. The sanctuary was beautiful! So was the message from Pastor! The Alleluia was unburied and is flying across the altar rail as a reminder. We also ring bells for each alleluia sung or spoken on Easter Sunday. That's a LOT of bell ringing. Xyra made a comment that a lot of angels got their wings that day!
After church we stopped at Great Aunt Lanie's. She has lovely flowers in her garden. Had a lovely visit too. We just caught her before she headed out for her daily walk.
Later we headed over to Nana Kestrel's for dinner.
How did you spend Easter? Do you have a favorite Easter flower?
Thank you for stopping! Come again soon!

What a beautiful Easter Sunday at your church. Seeing this beauty and Kaya and Star in their new Easter outfits was breathtaking. Your whole Easter morning is beyond words--for beauty and inspiration.