
Monday, December 6, 2021

Advent 2021 Day 4 Plus

A Little Late

Day 4

Hi! Yes, I'm two days late for this post.  However, I get to give you a bigger scoop so read on to through the end.

So let's take a peek behind number 4.

Oooo! High Mountain Oolong.

The tins are the same color combination.

Inside are beautiful leaves. To the kitchen!

We scooped a teaspoon of leaves into the pot and added the water.

Added the cozy and waited.

Look how they've unfurled!  And the lovely color.

If you're an oolong connoisseur, then you may not approve our steeping method, but not everyone has a gaiwan. Regular old steeping is how we're going.

Okay, so only one cup this time because typically with oolong you do not add sweetener or milk.

Let's sip.

Yum!  This is very nice!

Smooth.  Tasty. Definitely a good one!

Days 1-4

Here's a look at 1-4.

Day 2 was India's original Masala Chai.  

We didn't find the instruction sheet until day 3 so we steeped it in a traditional black tea method.  It was tasty plain.  Then we resteeped and added sugar and milk.  It resteeped well and held good flavor with the additives.

Day 3 was Turmeric Spice Herbal Tea Tisane.  Different flavors than we are used to.  Had a slight kick to it; that was the ginger.  Resteeped well.  We learned we need to use a glass carafe for the turmeric tea - the color will stain and the strong flavors remain behind without scrubbing.

Days 1-6 or 5 & 6

We were excited by day 5. 

Earl Grey Citrus Black Tea.  You know that's Mel's favorite. The leaves looked nice and had a lovely fragrance.  They steeped nicely, completely unfurled.  And then, well, it was okay.  Just didn't make Mel do her little Earl Grey sigh. (giggles)

Day 6 is another masala chai.  This time a Sweet Cinnamon Spice Masala Chai.  This time we made it properly bringing the water and milk to a boil and simmering, straining the leaves and adding a bit of sugar.  This one did not fly.  Just not tasty.  Then we tried again with a traditional steep. Um, nope.  This one we just didn't like.

Oh, well, there were bound to be some we don't like out of the 24.  Do you have any favorites among this first 6?  If yes, feel free to share tips on the best way to enjoy.

Thank you for checking in.  More to come!

Have a great day!


  1. How wonderful to have a tea advent calendar! I have heard of them but I have never had one. It does sound like fun to try different teas. I like black teas the best.

    The East India Tea Company in Lebanon, PA has great teas. My favorite is Stardust.

    1. This was so much fun! We did learn that we prefer black teas as well. There were quite a few turmeric based blends and a few greens and a few tisanes.

      East India Tea Company...that was the one involved in the Boston Tea Party. They've been around a long time. I bet they do have well developed blends!
