
Friday, July 24, 2020

Venturing Out

Coolspring Power Museum July 2020

Peni Visits History Days Truck and Tractor Show

Hello, everyone!  How are you doing?  Thank you for stopping by to check out my latest adventure.  Please grab your favorite snack and beverage and enjoy! Personally, we currently have iced Earl's Garden tea.  It's interesting. Sweet and floral and that bit of bergamot.

Anyway, last week at this time we had traveled across the state, set up housing, and were eating dinner with a few friends. So let's start there. 

What do you pack when you're headed out to camp in the middle of July?  I am so glad I had the help of my sisters.  They actually had a kit of things put aside just for going to Coolspring.  Isn't that neat?!  Along the way I made sure my mask was ready.  Isn't it cute?

The first thing we did when we got off the exit a Brookville was to stop at Sheetz for sandwiches.  then we headed off to the museum.  Franz worked on an electrical project while we set up camp.
It took a while.  It was hot and humid and breezy, so trying to keep things from blowing away was a challenge.  Another museum volunteer stopped to help with the big tent. Mine went up much easier.

Then we went to check out what was happening in the annex.

Saturday was the big event.  We got up and went to breakfast in Punxsutawney.  

A little restaurant called Rumours.  We had the pancakes combo - pancakes, eggs, and bacon.  The bacon was done perfectly!

After breakfast I went exploring the museum. Out on the field was the main event with the antique trucks, cars, and tractors.

Some fun and interesting looking vehicles.  Gigi really liked walking around.

This is such a great museum!  Lots of little buildings filled with antique engines! And they work! So many were running!

I found out Xyra's favorite engine is under repair.  She's hoping it is fixed by September or October.

By then it was time to just hang out in the shade and read.  Xyra had a duo call with Lady Webby and Lady Vanyer.  That was fun. I got to show them my tent.

On our way up to dinner I got to check out the 600hp Snow.  Wowwy wow wow! It's HUGE!

Dinner was super tasty!

Xyra got more of the green salad for dessert! Salad for dessert! It was really good.  Cool, sweet, refreshing.  Had mandarin oranges and craisins and almonds.

Oh! I almost forgot!  Friday and Saturday nights Professor M pointed out the International Space Station passing over.  We saw a total of 4 passes between the two nights.  AND even better we found the Neowise comet both nights and watched it for a while too. No photos of that; camera isn't that good, but I am glad the binoculars were in road trip bag. I was almost to excited to sleep but...

Good thing I have tent lights for reading.

Sunday morning we headed to breakfast at Lily's.  Apples foster pancakes - (singsong) awesome!

But after breakfast it was time to break camp and head home.

I can't wait to go again.  Must tell you I was happy to get home and get in the pool.

What do you do to stay cool?  

Have a great weekend!


  1. Looks like Peni had a great time! Missed seeing you at Coolspring, know. Hopefully if not October, next year for sure. Seems weird not getting to hang out. :(

    1. Yes! We missed you too. It does seem strange not to go west and get to see you. Hopeful for the future.

  2. Dear Peni, it sounds like you had so much fun. I am glad that you had safe practices while you traveled. Your tent looks so cute. I would have liked to have seen the space station and the comet. I hope you had fun in the pool when you returned home. Regards, Ms. Dorothy

    1. Hello, Ms. Dorothy! I did have a really good time and definitely cooled off in the pool after unpacking. :-)

  3. Your trip looks like a lot of fun, Peni! And that tent is so cute! Glad to see you were wearing your mask. I should make some for my dolls, but they really don't go anywhere at the moment. :)
    I like to have squirt gun fights to stay cool, or if I'm up at the cottage, we go swimming a lot.

    1. So true, we don't go very many paces right now either. This is the furthest any of us has been since March. A squirt gun fight sounds like fun! thank you for dropping by! ~Peni
