
Sunday, June 14, 2020

Weekly Update #6

Kirsten's Birthday

An Historic Event 😄

Whatcha doin'?
Sitting and watching the sunset. What's up?
I, we have an idea for Kirsten's birthday.
Cool. spill.
I'm sitting.
So we think we should to an historic picnic.
That is a great idea. 
Oh, yes! 
That is lovely.
Hey, before it gets too dark we need a trip to the magic wardrobe.
Let's go!
What's the magic wardrobe?
It's a place we look for ideas when we want to go back in time. (giggles)
I think we have enough outfits.
Well, Addy is close; the styles for girls did not change that much.
What's happening?
Searching the wardrobe for what to wear to Kirsten's birthday picnic.
Cool. Hey, I'll go as Singing Bird.
Are you sure?
Um, yeah.
Then we have one extra pioneer outfit.
[Time passes as everyone gets dressed and sets up the picnic.]
Hey, what's going on here?!
Wow! This is great!
Quick, go change!
I'll be right back!
[Runs into the house to change into and hurries back]
Princess gets the throne!
Okay, I can't sit anymore.  How did anyone sit for visitations in these hoops?!
To my sister, I wish you nothing but the best on your birthday!

Hear, hear!
(side note: we know huzzah is not 1800s speak, but we like it.)

The Week in Days

  • June 8:    Kirsten's birthday and National Best Friends Day
  • June 9:    Donald Duck Day and World Pet Memorial Day
  • June 10:  National Iced Tea Day
  • June 11:  King Kamehameha Day
  • June 12:  National Loving Day
  • June 13:  World Doll Day
  • June 14:  Flag Day

Did you spot the twins?  Which girls were dressed alike?

Sending love and warm wishes to all!



  1. Dear Xyra, what a great idea, an historic birthday picnic! It looks like all of the children had fun. Happy Birthday Kirsten.

  2. Fun idea! Peni and Grace? And what outfit is that?
