
Sunday, February 23, 2020

Time for an Update

Hello, Lovely Followers!

We Appreciate Your Patience!

I think this is why people do not like change. One change causes many changes. Xyra's new job is going well. She is in the middle of training. Her first test went well and the new procedures are starting to take hold. A friend of hers mentioned, "You can't talk yourself out of habits you behaved yourself into" and if that isn't the truth! 
The hard part is it impacts us as well. when Xyra gets home she starts getting ready for the next day right away. No time or good light for photo shoots. And we have so much to share. I haven't told you about my trip to the Coffee and Tea Festival yet and that was in December! So many great photos. I have it on good authority that I may be posting about that later this week. By March 6 at the latest. And there was birthday tea in January and...

So we truly appreciate you hanging in there until a new routine is set and we can add in more posts. You can be sure of one other this week.

Best wishes,


  1. How wonderful to open Tea Time and see MelodyQ talking with us about Xyra's new adventure. Melody is so darling. We check TTWMQ every day and rejoice when we find a new post. It will be great to see Melody these next few days until a new post is up.
    Gramma Enne

  2. Dear Melody, I am so happy to hear about Xyra's new job. How wonderful! Learning something new does take time and that's alright. I am sure that you are very helpful around the house as Xyra learns a new routine. I bet she enjoys your special hugs the most. Regards, Ms. Dorothy

  3. I'm glad the new job is going well so far, I hope it continues to be a good thing, Ms Xyra! I can't wait to read the new posts, I'm going to try to do better about reading and commenting on posts again, I've missed you dear dollies. <3
    Take care!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I want to start reading and commenting more too. Goal setting! :-D

  4. I can definitely relate and know exactly what this is like. Good luck with everything, you'll find a new routine soon enough!

    1. Working on it. Starting to click. I think my planners will get a lot more work. And I have approximately 7 alarms set on my phone to keep me on track to leave on time.
