
Friday, September 20, 2019

Kirsten Heads North Part 8

Fundy Rose Ferry to New Brunswick

Yes, heading home. We missed breakfast at the cafe because we had to leave early to get to the ferry port. Instead we stopped at Tim Horton's
So tasty! Much better than Dunkin' Donuts. Sorry DD, definitely fresher donuts.

All of us dressed a bit warmer for this trip. Didn't really have to. This time we boarded the ferry at 11 AM so the sun was higher in the sky and it wasn't as windy heading back to New Brunswick. It was fun to watch the loading.
Then we were off.

The ferry cafes were switched over from breakfast to lunch. We passed this time. Lunch is much more expensive that breakfast. However, we had one snack for the trip! Mr.'s cucumber. 

The Cucumber Story

We knew we couldn't take it across the border; no fresh fruits or vegetables or plants. Oh, no! What to do? Since it was fresh picked, Xyra hatched a plan and washed it at the Inn. Once on board she grabbed a couple napkins, ranch dressing packet, and disposable knife from one of the ferry cafe areas. That corn starch knife, wow! Biodegradable AND super sharp. She sliced the entire cucumber and we ate it on deck as we crossed the bay. (giggles) We even shared a slice with another woman who was chatting with us about her trip. It was super tasty! Plus border problem solved!

We still didn't see any wildlife, but the trip...(sighs) beautiful!

Oh, the interpretation center had this cool bird specimen on display. 
Soon land was in site. And we were getting back in our vehicles.

Thank you for stopping! Have a great Friday!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, Tim Horton's, Dunkin' Donuts, or The Fundy Rose. Links are provided for educational and informative purposes. no purchase is suggested or required to enjoy the post; the blog receives no funding from links clicked.


  1. Dear Kirsten, another great adventure you had! My favorite photo is of you standing in front of the lifesaver with the sign.

    I think it was very clever to enjoy the cucumber on the passage back. It was a shared memory that was actually shared.

    Did you get a stamp on your passport or is that not done in Canada?
    Regards, Ms. Dorothy

    1. Hi! Yes, truly shared! No stamp on the passport. They just look at it an ask questions.
