
Thursday, September 5, 2019

Kirsten Heads North Part 4

New Brunswick to Nova Scotia

Hello again! Welcome back! After our visit to the railway we drove over to St. John in New Brunswick. We saw this great double rainbow. 

Bay of Fundy Ferry

Sunday morning we rose early and headed to the ferry port and got in line to wait to board the Fundy Rose. We pulled in behind a group of motorcycles. They had to tie down their rides. Once parked everyone moved to the upper decks for the journey. First, we grabbed some breakfast; egg sandwiches were really tasty. Then we went exploring!

These first few photos are blurry because we realized the camera lens had gotten foggy from the sea air. Once it was cleaned up all looked much better.

The wind was crazy! You can see it in the flag positions. (giggles) 

I needed another layer. so did Xyra and Franz, but we didn't want to sit inside. We wanted to watch the water it was so beautiful.

During the second hour the Bay of Fundy Interpretation Center representative, she's in the yellow jacket, gave a presentation about the bay the the wildlife we could encounter. 
At he end she handed out samples of dried seaweed to taste. It was good, but really salty.

Another turn on the decks. My bangs stood straight up at one point. (giggles)

Soon we could see the shores of Nova Scotia. 

I definitely like traveling by ferry!
Have you ever traveled by ferry? Where did you go?

Thank you for stopping! Have a great Friday!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl or BFL Bay Ferries Limited. Links are provided for educational and informative purposes only; no purchase is required or suggested to enjoy the post. We receive no funding from links clicked.



  1. Dear Kirsten, this looks like big fun.

    I rode on the Staten Island Ferry years ago when I lived in NY. I also rode of the ferry to Martha's Vineyard to visit a friend a few years back.

    I like the photo with the rainbow. Did you make a wish when you saw it?

    Regards, Ms. Dorothy

    1. Oh wishes on rainbows! That's new to us. I'll have to remember that next time I see one. Thank you, Ms. Dorothy!
