
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Experiment Failed Plus

Labor Day Photos

Hi! The human here! I have fixed yesterday's photos and they should now show up for everyone. For some reason I was unable to upload photos yesterday so I tried getting a link and inserting them that way. Fail! So now I am trying to save them a different way so that the should upload from any computer. We shall see.

Southeast Coast

In the meantime, everyone at Tea Time with Melody Q send all those in the path of Dorian wishes of safety and a turn out to sea. Take all the precautions you can we are sending prayers your direction.

Best wishes,


  1. Dear Xyra, hello. This is a time for flukey things to happen.

    I have an old land line phone that I have had for years. It has a ringer that can be turned off. On Monday, the phone would ring and I couldn't get the off button to work. I called the phone manufacturer today and the agent did a "test" and now the phone works. I have no idea what happened.

    I look forward to seeing your photos whenever you post them.

    I join you in sending positive wishes to the people impacted by Dorian.

    1. I wonder if Mercury is retrograde. Goofy technical things are supposed to happen then. :-D
