
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Best Laid Plans Nope

When Plans Go Awry

You drop in to say hello to your lovely followers and hope they will comeback again another day to see what you are up to. 

This weekend our weather was so lovely we didn't get to the computer, but took care of some much needed weeding and laundry.

Please hang in there. Kirsten is really itching to tell you all about her trip north; she and we will return shortly!

Best wishes and much love!


  1. Xyra, hello. I am looking forward to hearing about your trip whenever you post. I love to see other people's vacation photos and hear their stories. Doll travel stories are the best!

    1. Thank you! We should be back on track today and this week. :-)

      Yes, I completely agree! I grew up watching my grandparents travel slide shows and looking at their albums. I love to see other people's photos. Next best thing when you may not get their yourself and more natural than professional photos.
