
Monday, April 29, 2019

Lanie Goes to Work Plus

April 25, 2019

Take Your Child to Work Day

Hi! Last Thursday was Take your Child to Work Day so I followed Xyra to her office. Now, if you are a regular reader you know we go to her office a lot! This time I was put to work. (giggles) Check out my day!

It was a warm day so I sore sandals. Sneakers may have been a better choice because it was still chilly in the office, but it warmed up quickly.
I made photo copies and scanned documents.
Checked the calendar to help determine shipping dates.
Typed up my report to turn in at school. You don't just get to take the day. You have to prove you did something.
We had tea.
(whispering) That's Xyra's shoulder behind me on the right in the photo.

Then after work we went to visit Great Aunt Lanie! 
Her flowers are beautiful.
Wasn't that a fun day? Do you have a favorite photo from my day?

The Plus: Review

American Girl Easter Basket Rabbit Pendant Necklace
On the trip to Washington DC I picked up the American Girl Easter Basket mostly because of the rabbit pendant. The pendant is really nice. The clasp is similar to Saige's necklace.
However, the "chain" is only meh. It's not a real chain; it's more like a silver shoelace. Lanie really likes it, but she said it was kind of itchy. So off to Lady Vanyer it went for some adjustments. We are looking forward to what she does with it.

Have a great day!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl. All items shown or mentioned are from our personal collection purchased with our own funds. Links are provided for educational and informative purposes; no purchase is suggested or required to enjoy the post and the blog does not receive any funding if you click the links.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Mini Adventure #22: Road Trip

Train Collectors Association

April Meet York, PA

Trains are Fun!

Luci, Rebecca, both
I love watching trains!
The click of the wheels on the rails.
This one has working lights in the cars.
I like this mill set up.
This farm is nice. 
Looks like the train startled the horse. 
Good thing the rider can't fall off. (giggles)
That's one loooonnnggg train.
The freight train is coming.
Check out the tunnel in the background.
Another barn.
I like the stone pen for the cows.
This church reminds me of Little Zion.
A drive-in! Cool!
What's playing?
Turn around and look! (giggles)
I'm posing for a photo. You turn around. (laughs)

Check out this one coming by the corn field!
Can you imagine creating a corn field!?

This church is complete with cemetery.
Mmm hmm.
Are you holding your breath? (laughs)

I like this commuter train by the highway.
Punch buggy!

Check out the Ferris Wheel!

Oooo! I can run the package loader!
Steam a comin'!
So if you don't have time to build your own buildings you can get pre-made. These are cute.
Two lights coming our way!
So this is a fun layout! Lots of dinosaurs!
And Thomas speeding by!
Here come another train. Hope the dinosaurs don't get it.
This part of the layout has an EL!
Double stacks!
More dinosaurs.
The train is faster than the dinos. 
And out of arms reach. (giggles)

Yikes! That truck is a monster!

A great section of town! Are you hungry for a burger? 
I like the train cars on this train. POW and Tractor Supply.
How about this Canadian Pacific holiday train all lit with lights?
Yeah, cool! But did you notice the Cars crew in the background?
Oh! (giggles) Neat!
Check it out there is slot car layout inside the train layout!
That's cool!

Epilogue by Xyra
Franz and I have been visiting the Train Collectors Association spring meet in York, Pennsylvania for many year. He collects American Flyer and LGB trains. He has recently added a Lionel set. And I have my grandfather's N gauge trains. In most of the buildings photography is not permitted. However, photography is permitted at the different layouts and in "Dealer Row." So this year I slipped mini Luci and Rebecca in my purse. I was pleasantly surprised at the smiles and nods I received while taking my pictures. A couple times I realized that either I or the minis would be in someone else's photo and apologized. Again, I was pleasantly surprised no one was annoyed in their response. It was fun and I hope we can do this again. The layouts are slightly different each year (and I didn't get any on Dealer's row). Unfortunately, it seems online sites like eBay and Craigslist have taken a bite out of attendance at these shows so the big meets like this may soon be a thing of the past.

I grabbed cards by two of the layouts. One was put up by the National Association of S Gaugers. Another was by Eagle Line Railroad. I missed info on the other layouts. 

Do you have a favorite photo from Luci's and Becky's trip? Please leave a comment.

See you later! Thank you for stopping today!


Monday, April 22, 2019

Easter 2019

This Past Weekend

Haley, Grace, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Lea, Melody, 2 or more


Hey, Melody! We've been looking for you.
Yeah, I've been enjoying the sun...and wind. (giggles) You're wearing the birthday girl outfit again.
It's still April; I'm still celebrating. (giggles) I see you're wearing our logo tee again.
Touché. What's up?
We're picking Easter outfits.
Oh, right! Let's get to it.

Easter Sunday

After church before heading to Nana Kestral's we headed outside to enjoy the lovely weather and check out our Easter basket. Yep, we share!

What's inside?
Yeah! What do you see?
Well, there's a card.
Beside the card! (giggles)
A stuffed bunny.
Oh, pass it here! So cute!
I wonder if it's late for a very important date. (giggles)
The white rabbit. (sighs)
Oh. (giggles)
Would you like some jelly beans?
Sure! Wait, there aren't any black ones.
Who likes black jelly beans?
I do!

What's in the box?
Check it out! A rabbit necklace.
Nice! Pass it here.
Sure thing.
So pretty.
We have a few eggs and a chocolate bunny left.
Who's up for egg salad?! (giggles)


What did you do on Easter?

Around the World

Our hearts were broken to hear of the tragedies in Sri Lanka. All we can do is send our love to all those affected.

Best wishes,