
Thursday, January 24, 2019

Lea's Movie Review: Mary Poppins Returns

Adventures at Providence Town Center

Hi! You guessed it! another trip to Movie Tavern. It's really a fun place. Pricey, but fun. It's Lady Webby's favorite place to see movies so when Xyra, Webby and Vanyer get together that is the place to go. It's fun to hang out with them and they don't mind when one of us tags along. the Collegeville, Providence Town Center one is a good center point for everyone, but there are other locations.

The weather was super crazy so I dressed in layers and packed extra gear in the backpack. Man, it holds a lot!

Xyra was super shocked to find a parking spot so close to the theater. It's the closest we've ever been. Third space to the right! Wow! And a super short walk inside.

I started looking at the menu while we waited for Webby and Vanyer. It wasn't a long wait and I still hadn't made up my mind when we went to get our seats. 
So much to choose from. Of course, we're getting popcorn.

Then they gave us the brunch menu when we showed our tickets! It was easier to choose off this menu. I got the fried egg sandwich. It was GINORMOUS!

Oh my goodness the previews. There were definitely a couple to add to our watch list. Shh! Shh! The movie's starting. Everyone got quiet and watched.

Sorry, this is from the end credits. 
You know we don't take photos during the film. It's not legal and too often they end up looking like this. (giggles) If you look closely you can see it was the screen noting "Special Appearance by Angela Lansbury."

We gathered our gear and asked for plastic wrap so we could take our popcorn home. We usually eat it for a day or two after the movie.
Then headed to the ladies room before heading home.
I am so glad I packed my backpack. By the time the movie ended the wind had started and the temp dropped from the mid 40s to 20s and was still going down. At home everyone asked about the movie.

My Review

Mary Poppins Returns is a very good movie. It has great themes, fun characters, music, action, adventure, imagination, generosity, and greed. I think Emily Blunt did a fine job as Mary Poppins. Lin-Manuel Miranda was fun as Jack; but his accent could be distressing. Colin Firth's character made me mad. Ellen was great and it took a few minutes to realize the actress playing her had played Molly Weasley. Jane and Michael as adults were very interesting. I read that the original Jane makes a brief cameo - she was great. The Admiral was a crack up! Willoughby was adorable, but miss named. He should have been Darcy or Brandon. Meryl Streep was priceless; sooo NOT Amanda Priestly. Dick Van Dyke and Angela Lansbury were fabulous! The animation was smart. I really enjoyed this movie. There is a dark side to it, though, and I saw Xyra and Webby wipe a few tears in a couple spots.
[Xyra side note: I completely agree with Lea's review. Yes, parts will tug at your heartstrings.]

Have you had a chance to see Mary Poppins Returns? What did you think? If you haven't seen it, is it on your watch list?

Tchau! Até mais tarde!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, Disney, or Movie Tavern. Tickets were purchased for this movie and the review completely unsolicited. The review is comprised of our own experiences, opinions, thoughts, and words. Links are provided for educational and informative purposes only; we do not receive any compensation for links clicked. No purchase is required or suggested to enjoy the post above.



  1. That sweater! I love the cut and style (not my first color choice). I must learn how to make those.

    Popcorn tip - beauty supply store sells packs of clear single use shower caps with elastic edges that fit perfectly over the big popcorn tubs. :)

    ...and I still haven't seen the movie. :(

    1. It's one of my favorites. Lea loves the orange stripe. :-)

      The trick is remembering to take one to the movie theater.


  2. I wish we had one of these movie theaters near us, it looks like it would be fun!

    1. It is a fun place. Maybe they will expand again toward your area.

    2. You have to come visit and we will take you!
