
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Birthday 2019 Part 1

Vikings Plus Teaser

Hi! Monday was a great day! Xyra, Nonna, and I went to the Franklin Institute to see the Vikings exhibit. I picked out an outfit that was warm but not too warm, easy to move around in, and comfortable. I mean, really, don't I look comfy and cute?
We left after the others headed to school. Kirsten was the most jealous, but kept her chin up.
The drive down was not bad at all. We did drive around the block once because we missed the turn for the parking garage. (giggles)

The first thing inside the exhibit was a really short, I'm talking maybe 2 minutes, movie. Then we started exploring.

I have to end here for today though. We still haven't taken a good look at all the photos to see which are the best. They encouraged non-flash photography which was cool, but the lighting was weird as you can see from the movie photos. And it turns out we took 97 photos! 97! Please come back tomorrow to see more about my great birthday trip!

Oh, I will mention coming home to a great card from my sisters! It made me laugh. 
I did have fun without them, but the day wasn't totally void of them. I mean we had breakfast and dinner together even watched a movie together. 😍

Outfit Details

Best wishes,

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl or the Franklin Institute. All links are provided for educational and informative purposes. No purchase is suggested or required to enjoy this post.


  1. Sounds like a fun trip! Silly sisters will always find something to be jealous about, even if it's just in good fun. I'm glad you had fun.
    Happy Belated birthday.

    1. Yes, they will - won't they. :-D
      It was a fun trip. Thank you for the birthday wishes!
