
Friday, December 28, 2018

On the 3rd Day of Christmas

Our Christmas Day

What kinds of things do you do on Christmas day? Do you wear matching pajamas? Eat a special breakfast? Travel?
We start the morning with Pillsbury Grands cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing.
With hot tea, of course!
Then we open presents.
This year a sabertooth tiger joined in on the fun! (giggles)
All our presents fit the 1-1-1-1 rules.
You know, need, want, wear, read.
Need: watch, new leash and collar for Meatloaf, backpack.

Want: Grace got her very own doll. Welcome Luciana!
Lady Grey sent a great game bag! Who's up for Boggle?

Flo and the Say hello to My Little Friends gang sent a great radio and adorable guinea pig.
Wear: a great new tee shirt.
Read: a space book and Luciana's meet book.
Then we go over to Nana Kestrel's. Look who we found there!
And from there to Great Aunt Bets. Great food, family, and fun!

Best wishes,


  1. Looks like you had a great Christmas, some awesome presents!
