
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Tea Review: Holiday Tea

Tea for Tuesday #17

Harney & Sons Holiday Tea

Hi! Kaya here with a few friends to try a new tea. You've seen the TV commercials are starting to focus on the holidays so we thought it was time to try Harney & Sons Holiday Tea. Nonna saved a couple of tea bags for us. Anyway, it's a dreary, rainy, chilly day here so it's perfect tea weather. Of course, it's always tea weather for us. (giggles)
The description of the tea says, "Blend of Ceylon Tea spiced with citrus, almond, clove, and cinnamon flavors." That is an interesting combination.
Let's get steeping.
This one is a tea bag, but you can also find this blend as loose leaf or in sachets. 
It has an interesting aroma. Kind of nutty and spicy. I don't get the citrus. Carmelotta is enjoying the steeping. (giggles)
Hmmm, Licorice and Pyewacket have joined Carmelotta.
[timer dings]
Well, the Holiday Tea steeps to a lovely dark amber color. I had the timer set for 3 minutes.
Smells warm and nice. Still nutty and spicy, but now I think I'm getting a hint of the citrus.
Looks lovely in the cup.
Let's try a sip.
Hmmm, I'm not sure. The flavors are complex. An interesting mix. I'm not 100% certain I like it plain. Let's add some table sugar.
Okay. This seems to bring the flavors together a bit, but I'm still not sure. I want to try it with sugar in the raw too.
Now, we are getting somewhere. I think the raw sugar adds another note that helps mesh everything. Let's add some milk to this mixture.
Okay. This is my favorite combination. You get the black tea maltiness, plus the spices and a creaminess. I think the almond is throwing me off, but now the nuttiness makes more sense...if that makes sense. (giggles) 
Would you like to join us for a cuppa?
So on a dreary day like today a nice, creamy cuppa is a treat. The warmth also fends off the damp chill. Of course, tea also helps soothe a heavy heart. So do these little furry ones!

What is your favorite way thing to do or eat or drink on a rainy chilly day?

Xyra Notes
  • This is our first time trying Harney & Sons Holiday Tea.
  • I do not think the tea bag should be re-steeped.
  • There is a nice, full bodied flavor to the tea.
  • The full ingredients according to the Harney & Sons website are: "black tea, cloves, almond flavor, vanilla flavor, flower petals, three types of cinnamon, orange pieces." So I think it is the vanilla that is keeping me from loving this blend not the almond.
  • It makes a nice, comforting cuppa.
  • The plain might be good cold or on ice. As we prepped it with milk and sugar in the raw, it's best piping hot and still warm - not so good cold, but reheats well.

Come again soon!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl or Harney & Sons Fine Teas. The tea reviewed was a gift from a friend. The review is unsolicited and comprised or our own, honest opinions, thoughts, and words. Links are provided for educational and informative purposes. No purchase is required or suggested to enjoy the post. However, if you are inspired to check out the tea, the links will point you in the right direction. Tea Time with Melody Q does not get any remuneration from the links.



  1. I absolutely love a good cuppa! I used to think the British way of drinking tea with milk was absolutely gross, but I've been proven wrong. It's so good with milk! One of my favorite teas is rooibos! It's caffeine free and particularly delicious with milk and a little sweetener. I recently had a rooibos tea that was pumpkin spice flavored! Yum.

    1. Definitely depends on the tea. Sometimes milk is not good. the pumpkin spice rooibos sounds tasty; we have a rooibos chai spice we like. I don't think we've reviewed it yet, but there it's on the schedule. :-)

  2. Ha ha. Well, you know I loved it. Never would have tried milk...

    1. I still have one bag left. I'll try it again when some of the variables have changed. :-)
