
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Rainy Day Lanie

Rain Again

Hi! Lanie here! I'm not complaining about the weather; I know it helps the plants grow. Ob-vious-ly, I know that. In fact, I like walking in the rain. Listening to the rain drops on the tree leaves and pavement. It's kind of refreshing. So I asked Xyra if we could do a photo shoot today. Check out these shots. Enjoy!

Heading Out

To the Porch

Time to go Back

So, which is your favorite photo? What do you like to do on rainy days?

Xyra note: I kind of like shooting on a rainy day like today. The lighting is very interesting. These photos are all unfiltered with natural light.

Outfit Details

Rain slicker: Scentsy Buddy Wellington the Duck (Scentsy retired)
Shorts: Lea's Bahia Outfit (AG retired)
Boots: Our Generation Wellies (retired)

See you again soon!


  1. Very cute pictures! I like rainy days if I'm home for the day or shopping (Perfect Christmas shopping weather!) But when I'm on the roads it makes me nervous. I like how relaxing and soothing the sound of rain it, it makes me just want to get cozy and chill. =)

    1. Exactly! That's exactly how I feel about rainy days. :-D Unfortunately, with so many rainy days in a row the desire to get cozy and chill is replaced with the need to get things done. :-(

  2. I'd really appreciate it if it would rain slower until my basement is fixed. I love rain but not in my basement.

    Great pictures!

    1. Thank you.

      Yes, I can completely understand that. Rain does not belong in the basement. :-(
