
Monday, September 17, 2018

Grace's Weekend Part 1

It's My Birthday, Woot Woot!

Hi! Grace here! Today is my birthday, so I'm taking over the blog to tell you about my wonderful weekend! If you follow us on Facebook, you saw a teaser Saturday. Or whenever the Facebook algorithm put it in your news feed. This was the teaser photo.
I was asked what I wanted for my birthday and I said a trip. Then I forgot to set my alarm and had to run out the door in my pajamas! Bonbon hot on my heels. It's a good thing I helped pack the truck the night before.

We get off I-80 at Brookville. There we stopped at Scheetz to get gas and use the restroom.
I couldn't believe it when I saw they now have build your own sundae bar! 

Then it was off to Coolspring. We hit the general store for sandwiches and ice. After lunch I went with Xyra to help de-web Sudlow Station. It was not a fun job. 
We also had to wipe down the benches and chairs. With all the rain and humidity they got moldy. BLECH!

Then we went up to Friends Exhibit Hall to spread out and make up some fundraising packets. I looked up and ran outside...
Oh. My. Stars and Waffles! The sun was out! Yay! We headed down to the Power Tech Annex to see Franz and Professor M. The Twin was running nicely.
So I had to get a movie of it.

But the sunshine was calling. We are lacking in natural vitamin D right now. 
I had to soak up some! 

Bonbon and I just kept walking around and enjoying our time in the sunshine.

While walking around I visited the woodworking shop. 
And saw this fly wheel.
We stayed in Sudlow Station Satruday night. It was fun and a bit creepy. 
I thought it would be warmer overnight and was glad I packed an additional blanket just in case. I hope you're liking my trip so far. Some might think, "Coolspring, again!" But it's one of our favorite places. Many friends there even on quiet weekends like this one.

So what photo is your favorite from my Super Saturday? 

Please, come back again to see part two of my weekend. 

À Bientôt!



  1. It looks so quiet compared to with when we've been there. Did you all sleep in Sudlow? I think it would be a bit crowded!

    1. The work weekends are much more quiet. Still had a few visitors come through. They were very nice. The shuttle still runs, but no food vendors onsite.

      Yes, two cots end to end in the walk through area.

  2. What fun! Happy birthday!
    I've never heard the term "de-web". Ack!!!!

    1. Thank you!
      {{giggles}} I think I made it up. ;-)

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Katherine! I had a great birthday weekend and celebration!
