Xyra's Book Reviews for Older Followers
Morning Star by Pierce Brown
Hi, everyone! I didn't want you to have to wait very long for my next review in this series. A quick reminder...books reviewed in this post string can be rated PG, PG-13, and sometimes R because they may contain adult situations, coarse language, and/or violence. In this case, the Red Rising first three book are about revolution so think war and many battles aka violence. I'm not sure what book four will bring, but considering society is rebuilding I'm betting old prejudices remain and rear their heads in resistance aka more violence. Just look at our own news.Anyway, if you like science fiction books about revolution you might want to check out this series. It moves along really quickly. If you have a public library, see if they have them; it's a great way to go. Like with Golden Son, I do not have the blurb directly from the book, just my review. If my review seems cryptic it's because I don't like to give a full out book report that could reveal spoilers. I'll tell you what and/or who I liked and why and also how the work made me feel. Hope you enjoy that kind of review. Let's get to it, shall we?
The Review

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Wow! This was great! If you wanted to you could totally stop reading the series with this one and design your own future for Darrow, Mustang, et al. However, the way the ending was written left it open for Mr. Brown to continue with his world. He did and I want to see where his future vision lies.
If you're looking for answers, you will find them in this installment and much more. A great wrap up to the first part of Darrow's life and the war or society and the Sons of Ares. Okay, there I have one little blip of disagreement...as it was Eo to get Darrow to see more and some of Darrow's greatest lieutenants were female I believe People of Ares would be a more accurate name or maybe Children of Ares. Anyway, that aside, a great altruistic war book.
There is a huge twist at one point and the execution of this twist by the author is quite interesting. The reader is quite used to Darrow's internal monologues and description of what is happening. I was completely convinced after one chapter things had totally gone awry. Good play, Mr. Brown.
The meeting with Romulus opened Darrow's eyes and mind to quite a few things. A part of their discussion caught my attention...Romulus says, "The moment a child thinks it is entitled to anything, they think they deserve everything. Why do you think the Core is such a Babylon? Because it's never been told no." He goes on to say, "Look at the Institute you attended. Sexual slavery, murder, cannibalism of fellow Golds? Barbaric. It's not what the Ancestors intended. But the Coreworlders are so desensitized to violence they've forgotten it's to have purpose. Violence is a tool. It is meant to shock. To change. Instead, they normalize and celebrate it. And create a culture of exploitation where they are so entitled to sex and power that when they are told no, they pull a sword and do as they like."
Another great insight from this installment..."When I looked up at my father as a boy, I thought being a man was having control. Being the master and commander of your own destiny. How could any boy know that freedom is lost the moment you become a man. Things start to count. To press in. Constricting slowly, inevitably, creating a cage of inconveniences and duties and deadlines and failed plans and lost friends."
Anyway, loved this book as the finale of the initial trilogy. Looking forward to continuing the series. Thank you, Mr. Brown, for a great read!
The really funny thing about sharing my reviews with you is I catch all my typos from my goodreads review. 😂
Have you read this series? What did you think?
Happy reading!
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