
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Note from Xyra

Remain Calm, All is Well!

Hello all! I can not believe we are practically half way through August already! Memorial Day feels like it was yesterday and Labor Day is just around the corner with fall starting soon after. Yes, I'm one of those people who embraces the seasons to their true start and finish...the first day of fall this year is September 23. 

The weather has been wacky this summer and here in Southeastern PA between heatwaves and rain it has been hard to get anything done as both types of weather do absolutely nothing for motivation. Outside commitments have also eaten up time otherwise used for blogging. You're probably very familiar with these issues in your own life. We are also thinking a lot about our friends known and unknown near fires and floods and structure collapses. Praying all is well or that help is available. 

If you have a blog, you may have noticed I haven't commented lately (or maybe not). My inbox is filled with things I need to read and hope to catch up in the very near future! So you're going to get notices about comments on really old posts...okay not really old, but from early July to present. 😲

One cool thing to be implemented recently is a true blogging planner. I started August 1 and it already has had changes to it. 😄 I hope to add several trips to the new American Girl Outlet in Hershey, PA. That's about 1 1/2 hours from us. I've had invitations from several people who will go with me. Yay! Maybe a meet up can be arranged too.

Some photos from the summer so far. 😊

Best wishes to all in the blogging community! Keep up the good work!


  1. What's your favorite season? And I can SO relate to the summer having sped by, and having other commitments besides blogging.

    p.s. i'm mind blown by your location..... :D
    p.p.s. Sorry for the late comment, I've been behind too.

    1. I've come to the conclusion that my favorite season changes as much as the seasons. :-D I love each for different reasons. Although, this year summer is coming in last. Winter is wonderful because of the crisp air, hush of falling snow, hot cocoa. Spring with it's burst of colors so bright they are almost fluorescent and the return of birds singing. Summer the joy of a new schedule, hanging out with friends, and all the fresh fruits and vegetables. Fall the clear blue sky with high wispy clouds, cooler air, colorful foliage and the crunch of leaves underfoot. How does one choose?

    2. Ok late reply but..

      WOW! I totally agree with you about winter :) I must say though-that paragraph was beautifully descriptive!

    3. Late is a-okay. :-) Thank you.

      I think the book Grandpa Bunny helped me appreciate all the seasons, but the paragraph above is definitely my own observations.

  2. Enjoy Hershey. If you sew there was a quilt fabric store there. I live about 3 hrs away until 2009. We often would go up for a weekend staying at different hotels. My last overnight in 2007 was at Hershey Lodge. If you like chocolate & have the budget you can eat at the restuarant. We got a special rate for Quilt Odyssey.

    I do like that little mall where American Girl us going. The Red Robin was pretty good.

    1. I've eaten at the Red Robin before. i think that was my first Red Robin experience and it was before a RUSH concert at Hershey Park. We're close enough to commute, but I'd love an overnight!
