
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

National Hot Dog Day

Celebrating a Great Picnic Food

Hi! It's National Hot Dog Day. 
No, Tatlo, not a hot dog like you.
One like this.
Do you like hot dogs? What do you like on your hot dog? I like mine with ketchup or catsup, mustard, and lettuce.
Do you have a favorite brand of hot dog? Our favorite brands are Hebrew National and Hatfield.

I think I'm going to get a photo of Tamma for the celebration.
She only has mustard on her hot dog.

From all of us to all of you, even though you're only getting me and Tatlo today...and Tamma,... 
Happy National Hot Dog Day!

PS. Thank you Flo and Mimi for the awesome camera! We're sharing it!
We're so glad you stopped to visit. Come again soon!


  1. Happy National Hot Dog Day! Great story. I love hot dogs and have wonderful memories of this amazing Hot Dog Stand in my hometown that is not long gone. He made the best hotdog chili and would put whatever you wanted on the foot long dogs. I like my hot dogs fried, not boiled with sauerkraut and ketchup or with mustard, cranberry horseradish sauce and onions. Preferably with a side of homemade potato or macaroni salad. I love Nathan's Hot Dogs. Enjoy your day.

    1. Except for the onions, but ways sound really good. :-)
      Have a great day!

  2. Ketchup and onion for me! It's a toss up between Hebrew National and Ball Park for me, they both taste so different from each other. Another favorite thing is to cook them in the crock pot with sauerkraut, yum!!! Happy National Hot Dog Day!

    And glad that the girls are enjoying the camera!

    1. Yes, cooked in with the sauerkraut is really good!

      Our big kitty isn't sure what to make of the camera noises. He's so funny!
