
Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Wicked Weather

Strange Day

Hi! How are you doing? Were you in one of the states hit by this weird storms? We had hoped to be home before it rolled through to finish mowing one portion of the yard. That didn't happen.

Around 3:30 the sky started to get cloudy and dark. Like really dark! It looked more like 8 than 4 out there. At 4:30 Xyra's cell phone screamed out an alarm noting "Imminent Extreme Weather until 5 PM, possible tornado." I didn't think it could get darker, but it did and the winds picked up. Franz called to say we should stay put. We weren't going anywhere. Xyra was on the phone with Xerox trying to get a printer sorted out. She warned him they could get cut off. And, they did. Man, does it get dark in her office when the power goes out. And loud. Back up batteries were beeping, the server backup battery was just plain screaming, the alarm sounded... 

I couldn't do anything so I just watched the storm. Side note: these photos are dark, but the are supposed to be. By this time the storm had almost finished passing and I could see some clear sky coming.

 I'm glad I had a stuffed animal I could hold.

How do you feel about storms? Is there something that helps keep you calm?

Be Safe, everyone!


  1. The weather has been weird but the light has been amazing outside. I caught a rainbow Monday night but it hadn't been raining for over an hour. It was there and then it was gone. CRAZY.

    1. Nice! We haven't seen any rainbows for a bit, but keep looking. It is quite interesting to watch the sky and it gets dark and light again.

  2. I saw the alerts on Twitter and wondered if it was near your area. Scary! I'm not a fan of this time of year for this reason, we've had a few too many close calls in our area.

    1. Yep, that was our area. While the sky had the green tinge we did not see any funnel clouds. I know that was different elsewhere. We even escaped the hail, while towns a few miles away were pounded. The sun did come out after the storm passed. Then rain moved in again.
