
Monday, May 21, 2018

Royal Wedding Watchers

Getting Up Early

Grace, Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Lea, Melody, 2 or more

Hi! Did you watch the Royal Wedding on Saturday morning? 
We did!
Got up at 4 AM.
Put on the kettle and grabbed some scones and lemon cake.
Plopped down in front of the TV.
All those pretty dresses and lovely hats made up get dressed too.
Got back to the TV just as Princes Harry and William arrived.
Here's a bit of our wedding attendance activities.

Meghan meets Prince Charles at the organ screen and he walks her the rest of the way down the aisle.
Harry and Meghan in front of the priest.
Melody is not up to snuff dress code wise. No hat.
The service was beautiful.
Xyra found both the hymns in her choir hymnal so we could sing along.
Sort of, some of the lyrics were different.
But overall...
The cellist was my favorite!
(laughing) Of course!
Then it was over and we were watching the Duke and Duchess speed off in their coach.

The whole event was fun.
A great reason to celebrate.
I loved her dress!
The page boys did a great job with her dress and train.
All those flower girls!

Did you watch the wedding live or in one of the recaps?
Did you make anything special to eat? 

Our menu included Harney and Sons Royal Wedding tea; review on that to come.
Strawberry yogurt scones and lemon cake from Starbucks.
I liked the cake much better than the scone.
Me too!


Royal Wedding
Programme PDF
Official Wedding Photos

Best wishes,


  1. Looks like you had a good time. We did not watch the wedding because we were out with friends. Thank you for sharing photos of your lovely ladies.


    1. We did. So much fun, but so early in the morning. :-)

  2. I watched it at the science center in Pittsburgh on their giant screen, it was pretty cool. Most everyone dressed up too, I was glad to see so many people getting into it. The cellist was fantastic!!!

    1. Wow! That would have been a nice trip. I know Tilly Mints Tea Room was featured on the news as a watching hot spot. I bet they had great scones!

      The cellist is experiencing a marked increase in Facebook and other social media followers. his sister is just as talented on piano.

  3. I love Starbucks' lemon cake :)

    Still haven't seen the wedding. Oh, well. Pictures are nice. I don't know that I could have sat for it anyway.

  4. Sounds like you all had a great time watching with yummy treats. I must be one of the few people of direct British heritage that didn't watch either William or Harry. My grandparents were born in Manchester and there is a huge difference between the "Royals" and Manchester. My grandmother was raised by parents who worked the coal mines and were never given a thought by the royals. Both grandparents and 4 of their eight children were born there and even though my mother was in the US she had a British accent.

    And I had a severe allergic reaction to medication that almost killed me 10 years ago. Not the same medication that left me paralyzed but something that feel in the same class. Makes me wonder who is the doctor, us or the actually doctor. It will take 16 days to leave my system so I was pretty ill but I had plenty of pot of fresh brewed tea. Glad you all had a great time. Anything lemon is great...lemon bread, cake, etc.

    1. You are not the only one; we know quite a few people who did not watch and are ready for all the coverage to stop.

      Sorry to hear about the medication mishap and hope the 16 days pass quickly. Tea does seem to help. And lemon anything is high on our list of treats. :-)
