
Friday, May 11, 2018

Lanie Loves Stauffer's

Stauffer's Fruit Stand

Is More Than Fruit

Oh, my, goodness! We're here! Yay!
Woo hoo! Flowers! I love marigolds.
Oh, wow! I love the color of this flower. And check out the poppy standing tall!
Five for $18?! You know I'll find five! I'll find more! (giggles)
I LOVE the color of these little flowers! And there is purple for Mel too.
Hmm, the portulaca has lots of colors on it! Lea would love the orange.
Okay, this one covers both Mel and Haley. They are so cute. Not nearly as cranky as the ones in Alice in Wonderland.
Can you see the big buzz buzz? 
I hear the hum of their wings and love to watch the big bumble bees move from flower to flower. It's hard to get a photo of them. You know, these pretty blue flowers remind me of Kirsten.

I wish we could have berry bushes. 
Blackberries are yummy!

Let's see, do we have five?
Marigolds, portulaca, basil, lavender, bergamot...we're good. We have to come back for more! (giggles) We did get the pansies too. Oh, and if you're wondering why I didn't mention Kaya, well, she loves everything green; that covers all the plants. (laughs)

Do you have a garden? Do you plant flowers, vegetables, fruit? What's your favorite thing to have in your garden?

See you again soon!


  1. Gramma Enne here. I don't know where Lanie gets her green thumb; it certainly isn't from me. What a lovely assortment of plants for the garden. We look forward to seeing the planted results.

    1. I'm pretty sure it is from her namesake...definitely not from me.

  2. Bergamont? Nice. On my list to get. Haven't seen any yet.

    1. They had several in the herb section. Grows pretty high. Thought I'd give it a try.
