
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

First Full Spring Day 2018

Happy First Full Day of Spring

Lanie, Lea, Grace, 2 or more

It is spring, right?
The calendar says so.
I thought the saying was, "March: in like a lion out like a lamb."
This March is a Katy Perry fan and just likes to roar.
Well, I'm going back inside for hot tea.
Sounds good to me.
I'm coming too!

Hoping you and your families are warm and safe today whether you have snow or a real spring day!

Best wishes,


  1. Oh no! Don't worry, Spring will come in her own time. It is full out spring here, trees are bright green, flowers are blooming, there's sometimes a breeze, and the bugs are filling the air. it seems everyone is getting snow, which is very odd, I wouldn't mind some here, but I don't think the rest of my state agrees with my wish. XD
    Stay warm!

  2. Hi, Lu! Thank you for the encouraging words. We're good here; just having fun on this snow day. We've had snow in April already too, so this will definitely pass. We're very much looking forward to green trees and flowers. The tulips were sprouting before this snow, so definitely on the way. :-)

  3. Snow, snow, go away, come back next year to play!

  4. Yep, looked about the same on this side of the state too! UGH! I'm reading for warm weather.

  5. Haha, the snow here by the Chesapeake bay area is almost gone, thanks to some rain, thank goodness! It's my opinion that the snow was heading for Antarctica and lost it's way. :)

    1. I like that idea! Either going to Antarctica or up to the Arctic Circle; either works. :-)

      Ours is all gone now - except for some small bits that were former plow or shovel piles.
